Presidential Election 2018

I’m starting to come round to the idea that Fagan is WWN

I’m liking this lad more and more.

What Casey should do next is he should post on Twitter some videos of him going for a romantic dinner for two with his driver and then paying for two or maybe reading his driver some shite poetry that he’s written himself.

This is the video on his Twitter at the moment, a strange American voice saying “Ireland will find itself in a very uncomfortable position, regardless of how much yoga we do.” Is this some in-joke I’m not getting?


What’s the yoga reference about guys?

Surely that percentage gauge should be increasing, seeing as he’s trying to emphasise how big the decrease has been?

It means that no matter how much yoga we as a nation do, MDH’s public appearances will still go down. Obviously.

So we can stretch it as much as we like but it doesnt change facts??

Fucksake, that’s no good to no one. You prick.

I honestly have no idea what it’s about. I’m starting to believe Casey is just a WUM at this stage

Michael D Higgins batted off concerns about being too old for another term by saying he’s in better shape now than he was 7 years ago, and he even has a private yoga teacher.



The fat little prick would want to stop eating first. Yoga, pfft. He’s everything that is wrong with Oireland stacked 5ft high.

he’s brilliant at the lotus, surprisingly agile




Very presumptive by Alfie. There’s no way of knowing it was them particular travellers that stole it

The snowflake TFKers will soon be on with hysterical claims that “the snowflakes” have hounded poor Peter out of his presidential campaign and wailing that you can’t say anything any more.

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Genius!!! This guy is a fucking genius!

Kitty hounded him out :laughing:

Time for everyone to rally for Peter.