Presidential Election 2018

The Snowflakes cheated last time out to get Michael D in and are now using the establishment media and politicians to stop Peter.

He’ll be on the ballot now regardless.

He’s mugged off @glasagusban types wonderfully. They’ll be seething at any votes cast for PC as being not PC.

Casey is being hounded for speaking the truth, I hope he has a nice weekend and comes back Monday refreshed.

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All the talk of the weekend will be about Peter Casey while he sits at home with his feet up.

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Truffles aren’t cheap.

Michael D would certainly be a truffle hound for public monies for personal enrichment.

The extended McCarthy clan of Cabragh Bridge, Thurles the headline national news.

Would it be his driver or his personal assistant?

Maybe his presidential rent boy.

Just looking at the breakdown of the Latest Red C poll there. 55% of Sinn Fein voters polled indicated they will give their first preference to President Higgins.


Someone has just lost 10-15 likes with this post.

Think of how many bottles of linden village you could buy macnas with that 50k.
Or in truth, how many sick people or hungry children you could help.
The great socialist Michael d Higgins


Casey is staying in the race and has taken a pot shot at the sense of entitlement amongst welfare sponger

Duffy :smile:

Great tactics from Casey, he’s doubled his supporter base to a whopping 2% of the electorate. :rofl:

the poll doesnt take into account the recent furore

the establishment are on the back foot here and fanta pants doesnt like it


The poll is accurate, Smithers.

It was taken been the 13th & 17th, Casey’s real bounce (if there is one) would have been after the debate on TV3. Casey will comfortably get 5 or 6%.