Presidential Election 2018

I’ve given Casey my no.1

Pm me

They’ve their hands full that’s for sure

You’re an awful tease.

If you are anti tinker and want them marginalised and treated as different ie not equal to you and the rest of us then Michael twee and sfira are your candidates.

Peter Casey wants equality for tinkers. He wants them treated as equal to him to me to you.
This is an act of extraordinary generosity that the tinkers must be grateful for and non tinkers should reward him for.


“See you later, losers” Michael D shouts from helicopter taking him home #rtept


The President spoke at an event on Valentia Island in Kerry on February 17 and was flown back to Dublin on the jet that evening. The entire journey, which involved four flights, cost an estimated €11,340.

The bold Peter is polling second. :slight_smile:

Imagine the scenes in Dublin Castle if he manages it.

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Imagine the snowflakes, the country would have to go on suicide watch for the poor fuckers, they wouldn’t be able to cope.


Are they not coming home to vote for this one?

They’re not needed this time.

Nah electing a President or removing Blasphemy from the constitution is not on their campaign list.

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They couldnt come up with a good hashtag so they didn’t bother.


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I’m officially on team Casey now… I was against SF running a candidate and if they had sent someone strong out I would have towed the party line but I can’t as she’s not up to it.

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Good thing they didn’t bother in the end, would have been an awful waste of money

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#KC #Boogieman

You’re better than that.