Presidential Election 2018

It’s no wonder the Shinners were too embarrassed to put their name on her posters, she’s woeful.

No mention of her party here.

Is the yellow plate a clue?

I think you are confused mate, she couldn’t be the Sinn Fein candidate, said she’d wear the poppy.

Who is that on the side of the bus with her?

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Mary Lou and Michelle O’Neil all over the bus but you need to see the letters Sinn Fein? A lot of party candidates have run in the past with no mention of their party on their posters … please refrain from such childish point scoring, it’s serves no one and especially not yourself.

Not only have FF/FG not put their party name on election posters, they haven’t even put forward a candidate … the establishment have their lackey in the big house - their media darling - and Lord Higgins is only too delighted to be the symbol of austerity, cronyism and corruption — everything he supposedly fought against since the 60s.

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You’re not great at this politics stuff are you?


Have you something to say here?

Are you disillusioned with the party or are you still partaking in active maneuvres locally?

What’s this, the @artfoley response? :smile:

I’m just trying to gauge if you have something to say and if you do i’d encourage you to use your words and say it.

I’ve pulled back from the column for now… It’s not a mission that best suits my skill set so i’ve let others step the the fore.

I’ll be back on the front line soon as local and then national elections are on the horizon … but i’m certainly evaluating the top brass presently.

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Flyer delivery is as important as flying columns mate. Hearts and minds


I axed you a question.

You’ve latched onto this flyer gag for a year now — - A whole year … A man cant help his wife promote her business without strangers on the internet using it to get cheap likes… that’s the way it’s gone now. There’s no standards on the internet anymore.

You made an assertion dressed up as a question.

If you’ve something to say feel free to say it and we will have a great back and forth - if not, please just refrain from wasting my time. Thanks.

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You’re not great at this politics stuff are you?

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I’m brilliant at it.

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The classics are classics for a reason mate. Especially when it get’s you all riled up so easily


I dont know what the level above zen is — but that’s me. I’m untouchable. I’m winning.