Presidential Election 2018

I don’t jump on any TFK bandwagons lightly, so to type.


This isn’t over by a long shot. We all have a role to play still. I’m working away at persuading my life partner not to vote for Twee for example. Every vote counts and this could be much closer than any of these polls suggest.


Not with all the biscuits you’ve been eating lately anyway

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If Twee finished below 60% it will have been a great victory.

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This is a bullshit point though. Why should he be paying personal income tax in Eire? He’s a resident in America and pays his income tax over there. He has a company over here alright which does pay all the associated company taxes.

I seen someone quiz one of the dragons about being a landlord too, like it was something shady. These are wealthy individuals and they are entitled to accumulate more income through renting properties. Its that begrudging Oirish mentality at play again.

Media darling Michael Twee is a landlord himself a few times over but he’s not quizzed in the same way like there’s something sinister in renting a property.


O’Connell’s Dugout is owned by a good Limerick GAA man. He’ll be showing it for sure.

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By sinn féin standards anyway.

Lookit, I flew in two footed there. Peter is clearly a great guy.

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A lot of Michael Twees voting bloc won’t turn out either as they’ll see him as inevitable to be re elected. I would love it, love it, if we beat him.

So you want someone who doesn’t live in Ireland to be president of Ireland?

He’s an Irish man. If PJ McManus went for it he’d walk it and he’s not resident here or paying income tax here either.

a collapse. id say the little turd is willing the polling stations to close tomorrow.
another week or 10 days and wed have had the little lying bastard out.

Just clarifying. You want someone who doesn’t reside in Ireland or pay tax here to be president of Ireland. I see.

Higgins has a lifetime of leeching off of the oirish taxpayer, being handed their money every year for 40 years and passing on a cut of it to revenue.
so in real terms he doesnt pay any tax and never has done, he receives our taxs.
peter casey has contributed much much more to the oirish economy than Higgins.


I’ve just stated more and others have here, but being your usual self you just just ignore that in your haughty manner. Here is a summary;

Why won’t he release his unvouched expenses?
Why did his driver become his “executive assistant” and force numerous aids to leave their posts?
Why did he misuse a Jet on at least two occasions, and lie about the PSNI as his reasoning?

This is how the use the Jet properly

State visits
Far off locations

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Casey is out there making some coin for himself in the market and typically you have snide comments from the likes of Glas. They love Twee because he screams about neocons and the Gaza Strip.

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Should an American resident be our president?

He’s an Oirishman like me and you.

Does the presidential office under Higgins spend more than his predecessor, that’s what I’d like to know.

I don’t care what you want to know.

You asked what the issues with his expenses and use of funds were, I’ve given them to you.

If you don’t like that, weasel off elsewhere.