Presidential Election 2018

He’s mad passionate about the diaspora, getting elected would be huge for the diaspora huge.

Good lad. Vote for the snow flake candidate to get in again because that’s what the media are telling you to do.

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You gave two examples. They’re eyebrow raising but hardly earth shattering. Are these the two things that are causing people to get so hysterical?

look, ill clarify for you. you are comfortable with the fat cat in the Aras for 14 years telling you he is a socialist an intellectual and a poet. we get it.
you are a dope, you are stupid, you’re just dumb, you are thick.

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People are hysterical because he put his gay lover on the tax bill.

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Four actually. One is a whole swamp, being what he does with 300k in expenses.

You call it hysterical, I call it scrutiny.

If this guy has full license to denounce capitalism and claim socialist credentials, he should behave an awful lot more like someone who understands the value of money.

Is 300k more than what mcaleese used to spend?

Who cares?

Was Mary McAlese denouncing capitalism?

Just because it was done before, doesn’t make it right.

So the measure is what was done in the past? Things change / society changes/ the role changes … Typical establishment mind set here …

Yeah you’d expect costs to have gone up since McAleese’s day alright.

So it’s ok for the office of the president to spend at that level if the president doesn’t “denounce capitalism”, is that it?

Interesting. Is this documented somewhere? Would hate for @rocko to get sued because of this?

Where did I say that?

People are pointing out his hypocrisy.

Are you incapable of joining up the dots?

That depends what your costs are… Like flying to Belfast from Dublin and sending your car from Dublin to be at Belfast airport waiting for you … that would certainly cost more — then lying to the nation about it.

He’s a fraud. A fat little twerp that has achieved nothing in political life. But it’s ok because the media like him and he writes shite poety.


Just because it is what is done doesn’t mean it is what should be done *

  • I got this quote from watching Cinderella at the weekend

You couldnt make it up … it’s ok that he’s a fraud, they were all doing the same before him … typical middle class mentality on display there — dont rock the boat no matter what you do.

You want him to vouch his unvouched expenses?

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I want to know where public money is going.

One of the worst things the fat little fucker has done is inflict TG4 on us. Not long now before the lazy bastards return with their deferred GGA league offerings and poor production values.


It’s going in unvouched expenses.