Presidential Election 2018


We’ll be arm in arm Saturday night in Dublin Castle.


We’ll be happy going to bed and then life will go on as normal on Monday. Like a Limerick All Ireland.

Do you think he plans his transportation himself?

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Oh is he a retard with no brain? Does he make up his own lies or does someone else make them up for him too?

Answer the question.

Do you think your SF candidate writes all her own speeches too?

She’s not my candidate and she has a brain to say no, I dont agree with x so I wont say it… the little pretend socialist would have had the plans put to him and he could easily have objected.

Now you answer the question, does he make up his own lies about the PSNI and the likes or did someone else make it up for him?

Calm down. She’s not my candidate :smile:

Because it’s a payment under the Presidential Establishment Act 1938 as amended.


Terrible internetting from the lads, truth told.

The only issue poor MDH has to answer is going back on his word of running again after doing such a good job that the Political Parties all said go again.
You couldn’t make it up.

Lads having posts deleted for calling Travellers Tin*ers but lads calling the President of Ireland a raging touchy feely homo is ok.


He answered Ireland’s Call.

You obviously can’t read.

And Tom’s call … and Dick’s and Harry’s.

Lamest banter of the day award there.

Taking over from Sean Gallagher as the Fianna Fáil candidate is nothing to be proud of. The fat little wanker is in unison with the establishment and they’ve all got their snouts in the trough.

Nice one bud.

The 317k allowance has been in place for 20 years. You’d have to hand it to Michael D that he didn’t look for an increase


How long did our Champagne Socialist ( Freedom Fighter ) spend in College? :speak_no_evil:

Who is that in reference to? Have you the guts to tag them?

@Tank winding up a big unvouched bit of salacious gossip here.

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Have you been living under a rock? Fuck Limerick must really be the sticks.

He can’t sue because it’s true.