Presidential Election 2018

You lad.

What has me being in college got to do with anything? I held down 4 jobs while in college and paid my own way… I didnt go near any trough.

Answer me this.

You’ve flagged posts before & openly stated so.

You’ve been throwing out remarks about our President ref Rent Boys etc.

What’s the difference?

You are the trough, pal.

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Congrats, you won your trophy back.

Post reported.

I knew you’d come back with that. I wrote it down on a piece of paper here.

Casey has the momentum now.


He’s all over the shop God Bless him.

Margaret Cash was right to hood wink the nation bringing all her kids to a cop shop.
She deserves a free gaff & deserves it ahead of other people on a List.

Now he supports a Plastic Paddy who hates Travellers?

That’s why you’re an admired poster.

I leave an audit trail.

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Now you’re just making lies up. I lambasted the handout culture and the 51k that lady is in receipt of quite openly on here a couple of weeks ago.

I’m sure @rocko will be happy to stand over everything you’ve posted so.

Hold on, @GeoffreyBoycott says he’s been denouncing capitalism (the hall of him).

Can the anti Higgins brigade get their story straight please.

@Tank will be sued rather than @Rocko. The latter can argue he didn’t see the offending material. The cunt only logs on once a week these days to give goal updates for Forfar Athletic v Celtic.


I hope my tagging of him in response to the offending material won’t serve to undermine that defence.

Think he’s got you on ignore.


Is the ignore function back? Brilliant How do I mute MBB, Rimmer, that rat Bumbles, Maroonandshite and the Emma Louises?

So you are trying to create an online safe space. Ah bless

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I think you might have opened a new avenue of discussion with this post.