Presidential Election 2018

I’m so angry. I need to take this out at the polls.


Coming over here eating our swans … burn the cunts.

Leave the Poles out of this. It’s the travelers they’re after

Glad you’ve got my back here. I will happily tell that to the High Court:- “Judge, this poison dwarf and his rentboy paid for by my taxes. Calls himself a poet.”


Well if he’s had to plough into the untouched expenses it would seem to indicate that he’s overspending. Also his predecessor handed back a good whallop of the untouched Monet.

In short the budget for the presidency is a budget, not a target.

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Thanks Art, finally someone with a specific response. Do we have figures on what was handed back in previous years so that we can compare how much taxpayers money Higgins’s administration is wasting, allegedly?

This should help

I think there was also evidence given to PAC in respect of the actual budget.

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Hardly surprising that public servant Glas doesn’t understand why anyone should be accountable for how they’ve spent public money


That’s interesting. She returned 500k over 14 years out of a budget of 300+ per annum during the period of economic crisis and austerity. So about 35k a year.

So we are surmising that Higgins’s administration is spending 35k more a year than McAleese was 8 years ago during the height of the economic crises?

Is that the crux of the matter here?

The real Crux would be a comparator between the budgets of mcaleeses last term and Higgins term. I’d imagine the budget has increased significantly under the prawn sandwich poet.

What line of business is Peter Casey in?

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Nananananana batman
Nananananana batman
Batman, batman, caseyyyy

If you can’t see the difference between reasonable expenses, and spending 50k on internal flights via private jet, when in some cases he’d have been as quick using the car, and even if not, he’s supposed to be the great socialist, there’s little point engaging with you. That cunt dick spring did the same as Labour leader. It incenses me because most people, myself included, are screwed this way and that by the Irish tax system, and know how hard it is to make the money that he fritters away to make himself feel better about himself, and because he is a total fucking hypocrite of staggering proportions.


He is in the noble business of recruitment.

Jaysus yer man is off again.


Is it just your imagination?

:joy: True.

Executive recruitment.
Iv used him several times and have no complaints.