Presidential Election 2018


“The cost of running the office has increased from €2.9m in the President’s first full year in office to €3.6m last year. The estimated cost for this year was budgeted at €4.3m”

the budget for the President’s household staff and associated costs had increased by almost €150,000 over the last six years. In 2013, the OPW’s bill was €753,000 and this year the State agency expects the Presidency to cost it almost €900,000.

That’s interesting. I wonder could there be any justification or reason for the cost of the office of the president going up by 700,000 in seven years. What has changed between 2011 and now?

Surely it’s cheaper everything should be getting?

And don’t get me started on the public service wage bill, why are they getting raises?

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Are you voting for Higgins you little prick?

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How are most people screwed this way and that by the Irish tax system? It’s more tax everyone should be paying.

Lord Salford up on his podium


They should. Poor old Michael D Castro should have a helicopter on standby to fly alongside the plane just in case. It’s the socialist thing to do.


What are you on about now?

He’s too much of a shitebag to answer your question.


He likes to fire out questions as a defence mechanism. iv never hear him voice an opinion. Those two things together spell one thing.



Yes, not the type of qualities you want in a person. He is a person with no conviction in themselves, I would imagine the poster is actually a woman such is the irrational nature of their posts.

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Sexist pig. Some women can be quite rational, on occasion

Yes but this poster is highly hysterical too.

And we all know you and the other fella have a fear of women.

I don’t fear women, you fear your own shadow.

Sure you don’t.

According to Paddy Power, 54% of bets on the outright market have been for Peter Casey and 80% of bets in the W/O Michael D market have been for Casey.

He’d love a bit of half pipe there

Fool. You’ll learn.

He’s a raging homosexual so I doubt it.

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I’m asexual.

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