Presidential Election 2018

If you were paying attention I said all that 2 weeks ago.

You;re an idiot if you believe that last part.

They are not a proper political party. Their core vote are council estate dwellers, long term unemployed, drug dealers and pretend hardmen. They are fucking vile and thankfully the vast majority of people in Ireland recognise them for what they are. Only 20 years ago they were murdering guards and people who disagreed with them


Exactly. The same cunts who intimidated Workers fitting water meters, who intimidated House owners who allowed meters be fitted on their land.

Same cunts whinged at Dublin Co Co turning down water pressure this summer.

I suppose once their Candidate spoke in Irish they immediately lost confidence in her.

You actually couldn’t make it up.


Vile cunts. Covering up child abuse, degenerating the president of Ireland with homosexual slurs. They are not a proper political party


Pretend Party for Pretend Republicans.


A slow learners party

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Have you read @Mac post?

I wouldn’t believe your oath

With respect, I couldnt give two fucks what you believe … The fact you’re getting your kicks out of this, something I stated many times I couldnt give a fuck about- shows how much I’m in your head… You’ve had this bottled up for a long time :grin:

Dobson nailed it there — working people working long hours dismayed with the current political climate have come out and voted Casey.

Only an idiot wouldnt read it that way.

cc @carryharry


The fact he has united communist revolutionaries like you and capitalist pigs like me speaks volumes about how Irish society needs to wake the fuck up.

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So only 21% of the country work?


We’ll get Casey in yet. Hopefully the midget pops his cloggs in. The next 2-3 years. We need a voice not a cunt jetting around giving a poetry session.

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Getting a kick out of it? I just think its shameful how SF and its loyal members like yourself put this woman forward. Almost immediately realised the error of their ways and wouldnt even put the party name on her posters. And now the likes of yourself an oul johnny come lately is jumping ship. Tis awful sad is what it is

SF didnt put their name on the previous presidential campaign posters either, mate. you’re seriously clutching … it’s brilliant to see how much the rubby comments really get to you.


Serious deflection there whats rugby got to do with anything? Grown ups can separate issues. Avoiding cross arguing is key to a happy marriage. Take note

Go back and look at your comments over the last 24 hrs as you’ve followed my around the forum and then read your grown up comments again… you’re obsessed - all that hurt is pouring out of you. My thoughts on this election is all over the thread but you’re not interested in them. You’re getting your little digs in and getting all that pain out.

Cormac O hEadhra panel hitting the nail on the head here — Casey vote was a backlash from people who’ve had enough of the current political climate / cost of living and housing crisis.

cc @carryharry

:joy::joy::joy: its all about you
