Presidential Election 2018

It seems to be with you … you’re following me around since last night.

The leprechaun will be in a nursing home within 18 months. He’ll hand over the reins to the special advisor for the remainder the term.

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He’s already in a nursing home. One where his every fantasy is being indulged - chauffeur porn, private jet, being ‘recognised’ as a poet, all the carefully arranged violets he can roll about in, an unlimited expense account, holidays for him as his mates…


He’s hopping around after you like a sausage on a pan.

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Can @mac and @Appendage please explain their comments

Its very unseemly

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@gilgamboa is a right weird bastard when he’s annoyed with somebody, just starts following them around replying to almost every post


Another fine champagne socialist Fat Rabbite is after referring to the presidential allowance as biscuit money and that we shouldn’t be investigating this expenditure :smile:

The fat cunt who stood up in the Dail and tore strips of John O’Donoghue for taking a limo from one side of an airport to another.


Yea heard that alright. Tea and biscuit money he said sneeringly, the fat condescending self entitled cunt.

As an aside I have read some of Michael D’s “poetry” and it is abysmal. A pass junior cert English student would serve up better.

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You’re desperately clutching at straws now.

Casey was spinning ideas of bringing the Diaspora home for example, where was he planning on housIng them all mate?
What clear ideas had he to sort out the housing issue?

You’ve flip flopped spectacularly this week.

A few months ago you were screaming over a scheming hoor dragging her kids to sleep in a Barracks and blaming the world for it. :smile:

Im going to follow this thread with him for 6 months posting incessantly on it. Then i will do a big reveal at the end that i was just kidding all along #speakingofweirdbastards

Casey is a chancer with a very incoherent platform. Comparisons between Casey and President Trump are very unfair on the latter.

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jasus , mammy o’rourke forgot to put her teeth in just there with dobo

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Galway East, one of the last bastions of civilised Conservative society

(even if those twitter obtained percentages seem a bit off or over rounded for the also rans)

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Very strange carry on.

Sean Gallagher is an awful gom.

what is that yoke some are wearing in their lapels?, i see Gallagher and Diarmuid Ferriter has one.

Rabbitte is probably one of the very wosrt of the stickies to get near the reigns of power. You’d think after being the catalyst that got the Bull thrown out and his excoriation of Pat Carey, he would at least have done something decent for the people whom he claimed to be fighting for. He has a neck on him like a small bull.


He really attracted the impotent rage vote. You’d have to laugh at his supporters really, giving it the big one thinking they are sticking it to the man but knowing fine well he wouldn’t get in anyway.

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His big idea was O’Facebook until he read about the tinkers in the paper.

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