Presidential Election 2018

He attracted the rage vote and ended up annoying the permanently offended .

Make of that what you will .

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I would’ve thought that any self respecting BL would have known that libel hasn’t existed since 2009.

Libel (and slander) come under the 2009 Defamation Act mate

Ah fuck it, we’ll throw ithe in under the now defunct blasphemy act. Job is oxo. Cc. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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In that they shall cease to exist and now be known as defamation



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Africa 4.

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Peter is going to take Pat the Cope Gallagher’s seat running for FF. He will then take Michael Martins job, because Michael is too nice. He knows more about India than Leo “Vradadaker” because he has been to India more often than Leo.

To solve the housing crisis we should do what New Zealand did. Only Australians can buy houses in New Zealand now.

He was in intensive care 8 weeks ago. His feet and toes are numb. Brexit is rubbish.

He was talking to Miriam on the radio this morning.

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He gave a real Tour de France on the wireless this morning

His words were used as a stick to beat him. I certainly don’t agree with all he has to say but he was 100% correct with regard to travelers and their entitlements. You could also apply that to the LGBTQA-Z community who think that because they are having issues with their sexuality, the country owes them a free living. Fuck. Off.


I never associate the gays with attacking each other with wheel braces outside primary schools in fairness to them.


There are three travellers sites in the locality, three different families who won’t live next to each other. So as their next generations have came on the scene, there has been a flight of children to smaller primary schools in the outlying parishes.
At the same time we’ve had an influx of twenty displaced Syrian families who were housed here two years ago so their children have taken up the spaces. The local schools are now DEIS designated so there’s extra learning supports, meals supplied and all those other benefits. One of the parents who kept his kids in the town school tells me that after two years, having arrived here without a screed of English; the Syrian kids have vastly surpassed the traveller children by far in the three R’s.
How does that add up when, far from being discriminated against; every benefit going has been made available to children of the travelling community?
When does the responsibility fall back on them?


Looking forward to a definbate statement from @glasagusban addressing this one

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When does the responsibility fall back on them?


The only explanation is that this person is a racist.


I have a good friend who works in theatre in a hospital and he told me that one day two different traveler families turned up for their childrens surgery, a day job apparently. Anyway the first thing they did was to complain that they didn’t want to be in the same space as the other family and they were immediately accommodated by being put into private rooms. The correct reply was to tell them to fuck off and that they were back to the back of the list but their every whim was provided for.

Responsibility never falls back on them because they have money thrown at them in vast quantities and their ‘culture’ stops them from complying with what the rest of us have to put up with.


Reading, riting and ?
