Price of a Pint

Yes, before my time.

No alickadoos last night as far as I am aware but there was a big fat wan in a fishnet top gyrating on the ground with another wan.

You’d think the price of a pint would be dropping with the drop off in punters.

Latest Diageo price increase being multiplied and passed onto consumers from next week

Two Guinness and a Heineken 20.20 in the ferryman on Thursday. Three pints breaking twenty is nonsense.


3 pints in Portugal is 6 quid
Cunts will price themselves to hell soon enough

I know the monaghan lad in this clip. We did some laughing about his €7 pints.

McC,who else? That boy would pay for them

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How does Diageo’s 4 cent equate to a 30 cent increase behind the counter?

We need an Oireachtas investigation

Pintflation is an election issue that would bring a lot of votes.

Cheaper pints now

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Is Gerladine nice?

Fucking Rockshore :face_vomiting:

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Rockshore Cider at that

You’d beca bigger fucking ejit if you paid it

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