Pubs opening

Simpler times. John Delaney behind the bar.

There are a couple of pubs in South east Clare which are open at the weekend. Neither are overly busy when open.

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Few pubs in Clonmel operating away as normal. Just from Thursday through Sunday though. A lot of older generation dont have Now TV or Skysports so its the only way they can watch a few games.

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What’s the gut feeling for Christmas ? Open as usual?

I say open but with impractical rules along the lines of time limits and substantial meals. I see it playing out in 3 ways

  1. Open with ridiculous unmanagble rules. We will accept because that God i got a few pints - most likely

  2. LIDTF completely and massive bailout of the industry or everyone will be bust.- unlikely

  3. Goverment announce no pubs/restaurants/hotels to open as degree by herr Tony. VFI, hotels and restaurants tell them they are opening up regardless as they can’t afford to be closed. Goverment move to give Gardai additional powers to which the GRA refuse to implement as it breaches the trust of how the gardai deal with the public, with massive public support. Goverment are forced to get the HPRA to approve the vaccine earlie for an Irish license r than the European wide license (this is what the brits are doing) and start dishing it out as the public have undermined NPHET and tiny and are come full OIUTF. - highly unlikely but a dream scenario

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Pal, I’m not going to get angry or say anything sharp but you need to take care if your mental health and if you’re being serious then you’re setting yourself up for a fall here.

Numbers are rising, level 5 is failing, which is actually great but the current talk is about whether people will even be allowed travel home for Christmas.

Which is complete bullshit. They never yet stopped anyone arriving.

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Well, you’re not supposed to leave your county of residence at the moment. I’m not supposed to leave Dublin for Monaghan for example.

They’re doin you a favour there bud :grinning:


Sure didn’t that fucker @Batigol smile and wave the virus through for months?

Sending it :pint:

I’m still hoping for 3 weeks

4 hours drinking a night. Closing at 11-30. Home in the bed before midnight.

By God I’ve a semi at the thought of it :pint:

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You must have got an early dose of the Pfizer vaccine off the rock lads?

The spirit of Christmas had melted their hearts.

Deck the holls.

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Its the most wonderful time of the year.
Fuck off Dr Tony with your 5 day case counts


Not a hope lads and ye know it.