Pubs opening

It won’t be that bad, we’ll just all learn to start at 2pm

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Keep em locked… We’ll have a great family Christmas.

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Via zoom

Open the pubs and well have a great family Christmas regardless

Mick has an awful problem with the drink. Especially around the holiday season

It’s very unedifying… Lads with nothing in their life huddled around a table forcing banter

Mick should be making better use of his time by learning about computers and pharmaceutical products


Some lads need the pubs to be closed by the guards to force them to spend time with their families at Christmas.

Why when you can be a legend down the local.

A barstool prophet holding court over a couple of drunk auld rogues over the latest black card and those bashtards above in Niphet

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Fair play to him. Must have been tough starting as a barman aged 7

I hear the Tipp lads headed out to @gilgamboa’s wans pub for a few on the way hone

It’s going to be a big battle to get the pubs back to what they were, long term. Once the 10pm (or whatever stupid early closing time they decide) is in place for a bit, there will be a clamour from busy bodies to keep in place once the virus is gone.

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Really they should extend opening hours so pubs aren’t full for the shorter period


Once they get powers they are very slow to give them back. NPHET will rule for years if left as is


No politician or civil servant ever hands back power easily

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I can tell you in confidence that longer opening hours are a given once we have all this nasty business behind us.

Look at the US after 9 11 and the patriot act. That scares the shit out of me

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What is the general feeling on the pubs opening?

If I get my afternoon pints Stephen’s Day I’ll be happy