Pubs opening

We are in favour of it.


I am.

Great news… The drunken Irish my change their attitudes to drink once this is all over.

The pubs are gone lads they are done. Holohan won’t let this one go

They are with o leary in the grave. December 2020

Appreciated. We won’t tell anyone

I dont know when I was last in a pub at 10pm to be honest.

Much prefer the early shift watching sport.


That’s grand at your age different for younger folk.


True that.

Alright Granda


Post up the article if you can

You’d want your head examined to be paying for a premium subscription

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I won’t even give the cunts my email address

I’d be shocked if they don’t already have it.

The usual Indo speculative nonsense

Restaurants set to reopen permanently but ‘wet pubs’ to lose out following exit from Level 5

by Getty Images,
November 23, 2020 02:30 AM

Almost 500 restaurants, bars and hotels have written an open letter to Taoiseach MicheĂĄl Martin demanding clarity ahead of the lockdown exit on December 1.

“The failure to provide certainty around decisions must stop, and we need clear plans that our sector can follow,” the letter says.

“There is no good reason for Ireland to continue to be treated as an outlier in the EU, where, for the most part, the hospitality sector has and is treated fairly."

Meanwhile, fines for failing to wear a mask in shops or buses, holding a house party or breaking Covid-19 travel rules are set to be finally signed into law today.

Figures released yesterday by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre showed there were 318 confirmed cases of Covid-19 yesterday, and one additional death.

Of the cases notified, 126 were in Dublin, 45 in Cork, 28 in Limerick, 21 in Donegal and 18 in Kildare, while the remaining cases were spread across 18 other counties.

The leaders of the three Coalition parties will meet today to discuss exiting the national lockdown. The Cabinet will then meet tomorrow to discuss moving into Level 3 restrictions ahead of the National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) issuing its advice on Thursday.

A second Cabinet meeting is planned for Friday to sign-off on plans for living with the coronavirus. It is expected there will be a number of grades of restrictions within Level 3 throughout the month of December.

The Government’s priorities are firstly to allow retailers to reopen in December, followed by letting people travel within Ireland to see their families at Christmas. Their third objective is to permit the hospitality sector to operate safely.

Yesterday, a senior Government source said a plan is being devised to allow restaurants to open permanently. Senior officials are drafting new regulations for the sector to ensure “bona fide” restaurants and gastro-pubs can open in December.

A source central to the decision-making process said: “Whatever is decided has to work and the aim is for restaurants to stay open and not stop/start all over again.”

The new rules are aimed at clamping down on premises serving cheap meals or sandwiches to ensure they can meet the Government’s requirement for a €9 substantial meal.

“It’s safe to say the substantial meal is being looked at and will probably be dropped but the main thing is that it is not looking good for the wet pubs being allowed open,” a source said.

Another senior Government source said the “€9 thing never really worked”: “But it didn’t really matter when we thought we’d be opening the pubs in a few weeks anyway.”

I’m sure Leo will leak today or tomorrow pubs will be closed

I’ve no doubt that Claire Byrne will do a job on the pubs tonight.

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A re run of her social distancing in the pub episode but in Christmas jumpers. There will be less space too with Christmas trees.

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Josepha Madigan will be on The Tonight Show telling Liam Cooper how Christmas trees represent a clear and present threat to human life

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