Pubs opening

The pubs not opening is a complete jokeā€¦ Its going to cause problemsā€¦ How they are blaming ā€œwet pubsā€ is a jokeā€¦ Wet pubs ffs that fucking term. Have yer meal lads and pay the 9 notes, ye will be fine

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The 9 euros is the vaccine.

Hard to book any restaurant/gastro pub in Dublin in December. Everywhere booked up already

What sort of percentages of pubs in Dublin are gastro pubs ?

Any word of a wet pub revolt?

We are marching in Dublin tomorrow

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Have they given any date for wet pubs reopening?

Publicans are good, honest to God hard working, decent people, they pay their way and then some and leave all talk of revolutions and the like to civil service types


Canā€™t see wet pubs opening till April. Wonā€™t want crowded pubs on Patrickā€™s day

15 per cent

I know there would be some few cases in pubs but individual publicans havenā€™t had a chance to see how they can get on

After this week 60%

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I reckon @Fagan_ODowd will have news for us Sunday week.

This line is some cod if true. Six people from six different households allowed to socialise at one table over a few baskets of chicken wings but pubs with no chicken wings are fully closed. Infuriating.


Thereā€™s too many of ye happy with ā‚¬350 a week

Iā€™m not expecting to over thrownthe goverment just will the wet pubs open regardless, many will lose their business if not

Thatā€™s the biggest load of bollox

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They will lose their license if they open though. So same thing. Possibly get arrested fined and lose a good portion of the publics trust too. This is from another VFI message this week
ā€˜Many may ask if there is a legal option to be pursued. We re-visited such a scenario earlier this week and the clear advice remains there is no sustainable case to be taken.ā€™
You might be out the country and have a friendly guard but otherwise you risk losing everything

A lot of experts on this thread cc @fenwaypark


Weā€™ve all drank in pubs dont you know!

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