Pubs opening

It looks like a lot of publicans are happy with the 350. Very little talk about not opening.

:smile: :smile:

Thing about the ā‚¬350 a week is it wonā€™t be around forever.

They need to get out there and protest, once upon a time the vintners federation had a big say.

Its twice the price of the Oxford vaccine

Point of order - the recommended example is a toasted sandwich rather than chicken wings.

Did he get a concise answer to that question? Is imagine itā€™s something along the lines of theyā€™ll drink less but havenā€™t heard anyone actually give the answer.

Itā€™s cos Irish people cant be trusted to go to the pub and the minute they open, aggry, thirsty hoardes will descend upon them, skulling pints and slobbering all over each other. CHAOS will ensue and Croke Park will be fitted out as a morgue to cope with the tens of thousands that will die. Or something.

Look I know thatā€™s our sarcastic take on it thatā€™s been repeated ad nauseum here but how have Leo or Tony or someone explained it?

Tony hates pubs.

Comments are mixed :grimacing:

They said the EY figures showed a big rise in cases coinciding with wet pubs opening the last time.

Twas a fairly flimsy case now. Iā€™ve no doubt opening restaurants and pubs cause a rise in cases. But I donā€™t see a distinction between them if run properly, and if not shut them down

I dunno will we ever get a pint in our local again!


Is there any pub in KP that can open? The bucket the closest?

The bucket would be considered a Ballybrown pub at this stage but even at that itā€™s more a restaurant than a pub.

Iā€™d say the garden could be in trouble if sheā€™s kept closed any longer, slas is gone forever but the peel will be fine.

In Pallas I think the corner house is being sold fairly soon. Clancys will be grand. Heā€™s a steady enough trade.

The coach would have done some trade if they stayed open.

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Thatā€™s a pity. Eddie is sound.
Hopefully someone takes it on.

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Pallaskenry was traditionally a noteworthy drinking town .

Heā€™d made that decision pre covid I think

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Be nearly worth your while opening it for December

Yep heā€™s A.1. I think Anne Delaney is working there now and she ran the coach before.