Pubs opening

No wonder they are not out protesting.

The Vinters are in a heap, big Urban v Rural divide there now which weakens them further is all.

Time for another attack on supermarkets

Pub insists on Covid-19 rapid test instead of serving food -

Be interesting to see how Tony objects to this

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Reidy already has

Private Covid tests may not detect virus and shouldn’t be treated as a Christmas quick-fix, HSE chief warns

It’s clearly an anti craic/drink issue so

Their own tests are giving false positives and false negatives and they can’t count the poor fuckers dying so it’s all the same really.

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They are all now entitled to the CRSS for as long as they are closed which is basically 10% of turnover… This is since last lockdown kicked in

They can also claim the wage subsidy scheme for their staff.

They will also be entitled to full rates waiver from March to end of year for starters

And a restart grant worth the value of their 2019 rates bill

None of above is repayable

There are plenty pubs around the place financially away better off now than they would be trading

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Much safer with no test and a €9 feed

It’s safer to be in a restaurant with no test. The mind boggles

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That lad was on Claire Byrne this morning and herself and some female doctor hen pecked him to death. Neither could explain why his idea wouldn’t work, only that it’s illegal.

And plenty who aren’t

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Certain amount of truth in that, the packages are good. But they need to be, especially as Covid and lockdowns have expedited the falling going concern value of pubs, really they’re worth fuck all now, retirement options for publicans drastically reduced

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Genius. A €9 cover charge

Is that strictly legal

Sure they can’t make you eat it

They have to serve it to you ?

I’m heading out shortly for PINTS