Pubs opening

There ainā€™t too many I can think of. However there are a good few as you move out from the city centre.

There is a lovely green in front of The Gravediggersā€¦:beer::drooling_face:

Itā€™s a nonsense.

It neither has the weather for it or the capacity for the free for all when the weather does arrive.

Would it not be far more sensible to go with the measures that existed last summer when dining reopened (minus the time limits and ā‚¬9 meal). Limit indoor capacity and create outdoor capacity.

I think itā€™s about as good as we could have expected. We are looking at wet pubs open potentially by the end of May. The back yard is pretty cut away from other houses - well the owner of one house is in there every night anyway.

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They could close off streets to cars on Wexford St, south William St, Georgeā€™s st, Dawson st and all the side streets off them and put out tables and chairs under cover.

Itā€™ll be like Barcelona in February.


Same in Galway,cars should be banned every street from Prospect Hill to Sea Road. It would give the nation a real lift in these troubled times

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Its the hope that kills yaā€¦


Exactly. I know one pub in a village near me that has a big enough car park but that tends to be full when the pub is operating normally. If they turn that into an outdoor seating area Iā€™m not sure where the cars go then (itā€™s besides the point whether there should be so many cars there when fellas are drinking inside there but it happens). The cars would have to go up and down the village outside peoples houses. Then you have the noise element, there would be plenty of residents living within ear shot of the car park, not ideal to have drunks roaring and shouting underneath you or beside you and you trying to sleep. Then youā€™ve the cost element of the publican setting up the covered area with tables and chairs plus heating and plus more staff required to carry pints in and out to the car park. The publican I know would only be erecting something temporarily as he would need the car park for when normal times return. Again itā€™s a very tough situation for publicans. Iā€™d nearly sit it out temporarily (if this was an option for publicans but wonā€™t be possible for most with backs to the wall). Could it be 2022 before weā€™re back indoors in wet pubs at this rate?

Youā€™re right mate. Shut them all down.

You work in public service. You are used to having the tax payer bail out incompetence. These businesses will struggle to operate in these circumstances, had you ever had a real job you might appreciate that.

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Hello pot.


Unreal! Everything will be back to normal so before July

There is little accountability in public sector.

Unfortunately it wonā€™t in NPHET land they will seek to have outdoor dining/pubs become a permanent arrangement, realities of space to operate per establishment or the small matter of weather conditions will be not their concern

Youā€™ll have the childer up manning the BBQ before your man knows whatā€™s happening. Grand little summer jobs for them with you doing the prepping after your afternoon nap. Winner winner.

Lot of lads seeing the problems and not the solutions here. Typical Irish views.

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At this stage Iā€™d bite your hand off for outdoor pints in May. It will be massively unfair for some publicans who donā€™t have space but Iā€™m hoping theyā€™ll do what they can to facilitate pubs close non essential streets after 7pm etc. Be a pain in hole for publicans to be wheeling in and out the furniture but its better than nothing and if it isnā€™t then theyā€™ll still get paid.

I get that an Irish summer outdoors is not ideal. But we are where we are.
Remember thereā€™s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes


Outdoor better than nothing I guess but I tend to agree that reality will hit home when it pisses down for 2 weeks solid in the height of the Summer.

Claire Byrne has taught us the correct way to put on a coat so weā€™re better prepared this year