Pubs opening

Itā€™ll sort the men from the boys. Weā€™ll see how much you really want it then

To think we sniggered at that segment, we will be grateful for the instruction soon

Is Ireland the only country in the world where you canā€™t drink a pint at the moment?

You can drink pints in Ireland


Iā€™ve been telling ye for months. Two months of mass vaccination and we are in a changed world.


They have finally got motoring on the rollout in fairness. The cases are a freefall, we have the cunt on the backfoot now, nothing can stop us

I told ye all.

Schooners and pots in Australia



Absolutely nothing can go wrong from here. Nothing.


We stared down the apocolypse and now its all plain sailing from here

No scariant is going to block us now ladsā€¦going to be a fiesta of a summer.

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Weā€™re back baby.

The lads under the beds will be like moles in the sunlight in June.

Good bit of anticipatory pints organised for this weekend in locality.

I havenā€™t been invited mind.


Get into the Shebeens this weekend lads for the last hurrahs.

Anyone that hasnā€™t been drinking pints for the last 3 weeks would want to have a good look at themselves in the mirror


I canā€™t imagine this will be too strictly enforced in country pubs.