Pubs opening

Will there be a time limit on outdoor drinking ?

That first weekend will be some craic. A bicycle beer garden tour.

Damp tampons are more enthusiastic about their life.

Are people really that blinded by the opportunity to have a few pints or a bit of grub outside on a dirty table in the pissing rain and wind?

Not for me anyway, thanks.


We will get the big announcement tomorrow but the fine detail will take a few days if other such announcements are anything to go by


I’m actually embarrassed at the state of some of the cunts posting here.

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We’ll be swapping the Shebeen for the Shelbourne.


@Lazarus we’ll rent a car park somewhere and make it a club

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Hopefully Claire Byrne will get explorer and adventure racer Pat Falvey on her show again to explain what clothes to wear outside.

Beaten to the punch yet again.


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Ruh oh

Pushed back to 7th of June. All premises with outdoor space can open then

Don’t worry mate. No one will force you to drink pints, just like or no one will force you to take a vaccine.

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:man_dancing: .

Does this mean the smokers will have to go inside?


Each outdoor table should have one mandatory smoker to demonstrate how Covid travels in the air.

After the bank holiday for fear people might enjoy one


Indoor pubs from July so. Will it be this early closing or back to normal.

This email was written after listening to the Taoiseach’s statement last night, along with a subsequent hour long press conference with the Taoiseach, Tánaiste and Minister Catherine Martin and then attending a meeting for various industry sectors with Ministers Varadkar, Robert Troy and Damien English.

Some things are clear and - surprise, surprise - certain things are not.

The following are confirmed:

  • The divide between food and traditional pubs is GONE
  • The requirement to have a €9 meal with a pint is GONE
  • The cap on 15 people outside is GONE
  • The use of the term “wet pub” is GONE

We have lobbied hard over the past weeks and months to get these amendments in place and are thankful that our voice has been heard in these areas.


The first thing to say is that the dates given come with a certain health warning. The ‘emergency break rule’ applies meaning that if some unplanned event like a new variant or major surge in numbers in hospitals and / or ICU were to happen then the dates could change. Everybody agrees this is unlikely.

Outdoor pub activity resumes on June 7th. We know that outdoor does not suit a majority of our members but it was always going to be outdoor first. That is what happened in most European countries and in the North and England. The key is that this phase is short-lived.

My sense , and I warn it is my sense, not fact , is that indoor will happen early in July provided that the surges referred to above do not occur.​​​

Trading Conditions

The guidelines for outdoor trading are not yet available. I have no doubt we will face a similar circus to last year when getting these guidelines was very frustrating and that is not an appetising prospect.

My best advice is to plan on a basis similar to last year with the following in place (again this is opinion)

  • Social distancing with time limits
  • Probably 11pm closing
  • Table service
  • No more than 6 at a table
  • Mask wearing when moving around
  • Contact tracing details
  • All the sanitising units in place