Pubs opening

What’s the logic behind this?

They will in Dublin, all those places on Camden Street.

Paddy can’t be trusted to not go on a pub crawl. Even in Loughill or Ballyhahill where there is only one pub.

COVID loves two solid hours in a pub

Most pubs and restaurants in Dublin seem to have a self imposed time limit at moment anyway

It’s the deathly High Stool variant they’re trying to have us avoid

Once somebody is fully vaccinated there should be no restrictions on them at all.


To have pub crawls and have people going from one pub to another rather than staying in the one place it seems

Sign me up

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I see Conor Fitz has a hape of work done in woodlands in advance of reopening. Fair money spent and looks like it will be class. Hope he gets the business now which I’m sure he will

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Car Park Cabins with wood pellet stoves? You’d be as well off sitting at home.


Barry’s of Douglas are doing a smaller scale to this too in their carpark, they’ve been working on it with the last couple of weeks.

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They’ve had the food part of that open for the past couple of months. It’s great grub, reasonably priced and doing a roaring trade. A lot of people heading over, parking up and eating up the grub on their own picnic tables around the place. Good buzz on a sunny day.


Forced into an outside pod type thing in Dingle last August in Dingle in the yard of some Tapas place. Like a county council workman’s hut. Completely defeats the purpose. Walked out of the place after a pre-dinner drink. May as well be bringing the family to the hot press. Such a waste of money for these lads god help them.


Why bother with all the expense when we’ll all be drinking inside by July.

The Gastro pubs and restaurants will be happy with the 2 hour limit inside as the money is in food. Keep the tables moving.

By the middle of July no one else will give a fuck. People will go mad for a few weeks and then everyone roaring to open the pubs will be back drinking their IPA’s and red wine complaining there is nothing else on the telly but the late late show and Ryan fucking Tubridy and they’ll watch it as usual.

The country pubs will be back to being empty and no one will give a fuck.


I think what they have planned for there will be a success regardless of restrictions.

It is truly bizarre stuff. Businesses jumping through illogical hoops to try and appease who exactly. All people want is a bit of normality. Why dont they go the whole hog and just roll out the bubble balls that they trialled on Claire Byrne a few months ago. I was up in County Down a few weeks ago and it is business as usual. Any time I had the radio on in the car there was hardly a mention of Covid, it wasn’t something that was discussed much amongst people that I overheard or was talking to. Not everyone wore masks or you didn’t feel compelled to. So I imagine a month on they are even more relaxed. Down here people still feel the need to dream up puritanical rules like 105 minutes or drawing crop circles on a green area beside a promenade for people having a picnic. Its only when you see what happens in other jurisdictions you truly appreciate the scale of the madness in this country.


I’d say he’s a fair chunk of it made back already. Place is busy all week. They are great operators to be fair to them.


They’ve had to turn away cars some days it was so busy.

Yeah we heard about ye mate