Pubs opening

Ha! Busted! Only 4 of us and 2 small people.
Tis all a cod, thought we were starting to show some bit of cop on but rubbish like this morning just brings home the pure thickness of some people still making decisions.

Drink away outside and have a table booked inside for later in the night. Be grand

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100% correct. They should open pubs straight away. As you say after 3 weeks the novelty of pubs will have worn off.

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Outdoor dining grant

Those huts look awfully miserable altogether.

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Some people crave misery so they do

Grub is great tbf good set up the day I was there and great on a good day

I hate being shoved into a little room when with a group of 12 or 14.

Have often had it done to me in Castle Durrow in Laois at a family gathering or something.

Much prefer being in the main bar at a table where you can at least see whatā€™s going on around you

Itā€™s a novelty now but people will grow pretty sick of it pretty quick Aoife and Siobhain didnā€™t spend 3 hours getting dolled up to stare at each other in a shed. Might as well be sitting at home. The soullessness of going out to sit confined in a hut wont be long wearing thin on people. Then again soulessness is an active business model for many shops nowadays.


Barrels of beer rolling on Leeson Street now.

Iā€™d forgotten the sounds and sights



Nissen Huts they used to be called. They used them to house internees in the Curragh during Ww2. We picked up a few of them after the war to build the roof on our first club house. It was known as the Cowshed and the discos there were known as the Cowshed discos.


There was a time limit last time for tables 1m apart but if 2m apart you could stay as long as you like. I imagine something equally ludicrous this time, either way its only as enforcable as you want it to be

Thereā€™s a lovely Auf Wiedersehen Pet vibe off those huts.

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The chippys are on a right beano. How much for one of these?

Itā€™s crazy. I was thought that we were done with all that nonsense. Anyone would think we havenā€™t been vaccinating anyone. Pubs wonā€™t enforce it and no one will check.

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Iā€™m predicting the time limit will get significant push back and will be dropped before long

Great to see @Faldo flat out assembling these.

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