Pubs opening

It will be dropped before meeholes announcement on Friday a kite flyer that has been shot down

I was in a pub in December last year. A bar and restaurant set up. The bar was pretty full - no food and no records kept of times. A guard came in. When asked about the people in the bar the manager just said that they were having a few drinks. Guard said fair enough.

Those lads dong want to be bothering with this shite.

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Pub we were in would just come around every 2 hours and take a different name from the table to put in a new booking

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I thought part of the problem last Dec was people circulating to multiple bars/restaurants because they couldn’t stay in 1. You’d have spreaders wandering all around town.


Or everybody in a locality all in one pub because it was only one with the magic €9 meal

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Or being let in through the windows of hotel rooms fresh off the tarmac from Heathrow/Gatwick if you were in Mayo.

Lads will be literally rolling home …

@Raylan would love a little house with a roof like that


You’ve no idea🙈lot of country pubs are opening up with just a few tables and a few umbrellas… Its fucking mad

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So MM saying it wont be too early in July, which means the 12th maybe. That’s the day after the euros finishes so that’ll stop lads getting too wild and having any thoughts of watching them in the pub. Only problem for Holohan will be that it’s agonizingly close to the August Bank Holiday. Cant have lads going buck ape then either. He’ll surely conjure up a variant or a concern that’ll delay the reopening a few more weeks.


July 5th, chalk it

@Lazarus , if ye accept the proposed 105 minute rule, ye might as well forget about it.

Unenforcable big man

Hnmm…I thought that about more than one thing over the last 15 months mate.

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Divide and conquer.
Restaurant/food places will be delighted with it


July 5th, the cat is in the bag

Get the doors open. We can do what we want then

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Curtain twitchers won’t be able to go cold turkey mate.


Fair point, depends on your local guarda types to some degree. Most I’ve been chatting to are happy enough to let you away with doing the bare minimum. An example will be made of someone no doubt but likely to be in Temple Bar or some similiar type shithole. Most lads if they’re even just a little cute will be alright


Very true