Pubs opening

Nearly a month ago, I posted on here about it. What business is it of yours and why have you asked twice about it? Isnt that a little weird?

Great stuff,

I don’t read or comment on every post on here pal.

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You didn’t answer the question?

Getting vaccinated is great for the likes. I might get another 5 or 6

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I reckon I’m such hero to many of the forum like himself, that it will prompt them to get Vaxxed also.

some pubs will enforce it, some won’t. Find one that suits your bag and drink in it

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No chance,

Keeping healthy via exercise, vitamins, eating well etc is my covid vaccine.

Each to their own.

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I think the pubs can safely open. The old lads are vaccinated that’s half the Irish drinking population. Leave the front door open and set up two large fans at the back. No singing though Laz.

The guidelines are out.

Seems to be the doc from June last year.

Changes are highlighted in grey.

Thanks. Link opened up an old version saved in my downloads. Was ready to highlight their incompetence but highlighted my own instead.

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Physical distancing of 2 metres* should be maintained
between tables in an indoor setting. However, if this is not
possible, this can be reduced to 1 metre* in controlled
environments if the other risk mitigation requirements
outlined in Appendix 1 have been met.

If all risk mitigation requirements have been met, and
physical distancing is reduced to 1 metre*, pre-booked time
limited slots must be in place for customers, which are a
maximum of 105 minutes duration plus a minimum of 15
minutes between bookings in order to allow for adequate
cleaning and to allow customers to leave and enter, without

Pre-booking and time limited slots of 105 minutes duration
are not a requirement if physical distancing of 2 metres* is
strictly maintained.

In an outdoor setting, physical distancing of a minimum of 1
metre is required between the outer edges of the party
(back of chair to back of chair), as long as the business
adheres to the protective measures.

Sounds like a good time.

  • Multiple tables cannot be booked indoors
  • No parties/ social gatherings are permitted indoors
  • Table service only.
  • Physical distancing of 2 metres should be maintained between tables unless there have been mitigation procedures taken
  • Physical distancing of 1 metre is required between the outer edges of the party (back of chair to back of chair)
  • Contact tracing, ventilation and enhanced hygiene measures must be adhered to
  • Measures to control noise levels. e.g. no live/loud music permitted.
  • Face coverings/masks must be worn by customers at all times other than when sitting at their table.
  • Employees wear face coverings/masks at all times
  • Patrons must have vacated the licensed premises by 11.30pm.

The staycation pints will be mighty…
Open travel ye fvckin cunts and let us outta here

How long is this nonsense going to be here for?

Its insanity that we’ll be at this nonsense in July when everyone is vaccinated.


Nothing to stop places doing half 1m distance for food and half 2m distance for drinks longer stays I guess?

Happy that establishments can open and trade but wild horses wouldn’t drag me into a place under those conditions.


Its complete nonsense.

I want to be able to go into a pub of my own accord whenever I feel like it to talk to whoever I want without having to nail down a specific group of friends to drink with, at a very specific time, 2 weeks in advance.