Pubs opening

Its not that simple.

There is no one pushing hard enough for a roadmap to full normality.

The likes of Timmy Dooley (who’s a nice fella btw) being trotted out on national TV twice a week saying ‘we need to live with masks/social distancing even after the vaccination programme’.

Its pretty much guaranteed that there will be full stadiums all over the UK for the start of next season in Premier League/Football League while here, we are ‘hopeful’ of a quarter full Croke Park for the All Ireland Final.

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Even in an establishment with 2 metres?

Has anyone told you that you need to relax?

Women love planning a night out based on table distances

You’re taking a strange approach here. Even for TFK.

It’s a complete pain in the hoop to organize a night out around these makey uppey rules.

I’m surprised at you.

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Not for women.

All rules are made up.

Its also leading to bitterness with some people in a group of friends feeling ‘left out’ if they dont make the ‘cut’ for a 6 person table.

I’m sure you’ll make the cut sometime mate

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Paul McAuliffe, FF TD, giving it loads on Drivetime now about the ridiculousness of the Failte Ireland guidelines extending to a criticism of Nphet.

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That’s some load of horse shit. No pub outside the GDA will worry about that. 20 of us sitting at the local golf club last week being an early example.

I’ve been taking fiddle lessons since last summer. Looks a complete waste of time now.


The ridiculousness of it is dawning on government TDs and a lot of mentions today of how they will only be very short term until vaccinations are increased and talks of others being dropped by the time of indoor dining resumes.

once we get to 80 percent of adults vaccinated things are supposed to be opened up more or less completely

That’s because it’s operating illegally right now.

When they open proper it’ll be all bookings I guarantee.

Your very naive. Any pub I was in last year the guidelines were not being followed.

I think your very naive if you thought last summer was good craic and are happy enough for the exact same restrictions bar the 9 euro meal to be in place in July 2021 with 80% vaccinated as we had in July 2020 with 0% vaccinated.

The local golf club might be loose enough about it all but what about stag weekends, Galway Races, All Ireland weekend, etc? None of those will be possible with this.


It seems like zero covid scum are trying to undermine opening efforts with some restaurants. The real stealth bombers of society.

It’s quite a nasty thing to do to deliberately try and destroy a person’s livelihood


Everybody needs to chill

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