Pubs opening

And probably new spuds at that

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The first fifteen minutes of Drivetime since 5pm talking about the pubs in Galway. The Irish are obsessed with drink.

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Just slip a few quid to the local superintendent and the correct ā€œdiscretionā€ will be applied

Sound man Drew

Gangs of youths can assemble in our towns and cities and they loaded with drank bot we canā€™t seem to allow sport stadiums be populated with 20% capacity


12% capacity for the second trial rugger event at the Aviva

The virus loves a crowd shouting Limrik! Limrik!

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Copenhagen here packed to the rafters


Why arenā€™t publicans and their reps screaming from the roof tops at the latest delays?

A few half hearted tweets is all Iā€™ve seen.

Youā€™d have said 3 months ago that if Denmark and these places across Europe were having north of 20k at Matches yet we still couldnā€™t go for a pint indoors, the government would have collapsed, yet here we are.

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They are defeated

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I was saying almost exactly that three months ago. Well, that once other countries across Europe had certain relaxations the calls and pressure to have them here would see us get the same, but thereā€™s pretty much nothing. Weā€™re looking at tens of thousands in stadiums across Europe and yet thereā€™s no calls for increased crowds at games here.

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The boys above on South William Street had a few goes at starting a revolution but didnā€™t get much traction.

Publicans are getting handy payments with covid supports. Thats why they are not out marching


Well itā€™s true. A lot of the part time staff are on the top rate of PUP.

It may sound silly but theyā€™ll be no pubs while thereā€™s PUP and as long as thereā€™s PUP the pubs will stay closed.

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no proper pubs will be open in Ireland this year, Holohan will make sure of it. Ireland s being driven back into the 1950ā€™s economically

Tony, Glynner and the gang will sail offi to the sunset on a huge pension funded by Paddy

Theyā€™ll be on the anti alcohol after dinner circuit like Bertie coining off the peace process and McGinley on his leadership techniques.

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The one thing we had much more of in the 50s was pubs. And priests and nuns.


Outdoor drinking legislation

There have been issues in recent times regarding the legality of the sale of alcohol in outdoor areas. The law may provide for consumption but not sale. The sale must take place on the premises but, at present, people are not allowed on the premises. GardaĆ­ in some areas have been strong in pointing out that current practices do not comply with liquor licensing laws.

Government initially moved to a situation where the GardaĆ­ were urged to exercise discretion. That did not have the desired effect. Legislation has now been introduced in the Dail and hopefully will be fully enacted over coming days.

This legislation (Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2021) allows for a number of items as follows:

Temporary licensing of outdoor seating area

When the Bill becomes law an outdoor seating area will be deemed, on a temporary basis, to be part of the licensed premises for the sale of alcohol. That will clear that issue up.

Use of additional private land

In many cases the licensed area extends beyond the premises and includes yards etc. In other cases,it is merely the premises itself. It depends on what is on the licensing map and the relevant red line. There is a provision in this Bill to give use to more private land for seating and the consumption of alcohol.

The conditions are set out below -

(b) on private land abutting the premises whereā€”

(i) the land is owned, or occupied by way of a lease or licence, by the licensee

of the premises,

(ii) a licence is not in force, or a certificate of registration under the Act of 1904 is not applicable and in force, in respect of the area,

(iii) the number of seated patrons who can be accommodated in the area does not exceed the number of patrons who may be accommodated in the licensed


(iv) the area contains sufficient seating to accommodate the number of seated

patrons referred to in subparagraph (iii),

(v) the area does not contain any counter or barrier across which intoxicating

liquor can be served to the public, and

(vi) the sale or supply of intoxicating liquor by the licensee to patrons in the area is an ancillary part of the normal business carried on that premises;

ā€œprivate landā€ means land other than State land (within the meaning of the State Property Act 1954);

This effectively allows you to use additional space as set out above.