Pubs opening

Here is the latest news and updates from VFI head office:

Meeting with Government

A further meeting took place today with senior government officials about conditions for re-opening indoor drinking and dining. The six options as outlined earlier in the week were still on the table. However, in essence, there are two that remain in play– either stay closed until late September / October or find a way to get open earlier. The option getting most traction is allowing those who are vaccinated or recovered entry to the premises.

Right now a majority of members are open but restricted in what they can do due to the outdoor restriction. That is before consideration is given to weather conditions. There is a further number that want to open but have no outdoor space. Finally, there is a number that are opposed to the type of option on offer.

There has been some commentary that we are the only ones in Europe thinking about such a regime. Not so. There are quite a few countries using a vaccination pass or a variation on it. Some have been doing so for months now.

When we met government officials on Monday we spelt out our objections to, and concerns with, the proposal around vaccination passes etc from legal and operational perspectives.

As anticipated by us, primary legislation is required to ensure that no member is open to being sued on the basis of discrimination, equality or breach of GDPR. Certain regulations will also need to be updated and that can be done in parallel. We pointed this out to government a week ago and it is frustrating that it is only being acted on now.

While the protocols are not finalised, it is likely the verification process will be part of the contact tracing protocol where a box will be ticked to indicate a vaccine pass has been offered. For regulars it is unlikely there will be a need for confirmation of the pass on every occasion.

Responsibility for ensuring compliance is likely to rest primarily with the HAS, EHOs or Failte Ireland inspectors. The GardaĂ­ may have an input but it is likely to be peripheral. Again, final details to be worked out.

If they run with this, when will it happen? We are still sticking with a date of July 19th. The requirement for primary legislation could create challenges for this date but that is a decision for government next Tuesday.

We have been pushing for changes to the operational guidelines, especially the use of the bar counter. Right now, there is no movement from Government on this but we intend to keep it on the agenda as we feel there is scope for such a change.

The officials we met today are not in any way involved in supports of any kind.

In summary, it is still a work in progress. The options as outlined at the beginning are to get open, however cumbersome it might be, or stay closed until September / October when there will be other added challenges like schools and universities returning, new variants, and any other excuse certain quangos might try to think up to keep the sector closed.

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The only error in there is calling nphet a quango rather than the de facto government

What’s your thoughts on that. The last line is the nub of the issue.

The whole thing makes grim reading. The VFI are a fairly toothless outfit but they haven’t a load of options. The country is fucked.
We’ll hear Martin shiteing on about “A meaningful Christmas” yet….


@Horsebox said a number of months ago that there is a real possibility that they would bring in a vaccine passport for people to do normal things in this country and he was lambasted by a certain poster here at the time and told to stop being hysterical. @Horsebox held his tongue at the time because he knew there was a very good chance that this would come to pass. Well now it looks like they will rush through emergency legislation to make this requirement of a vaccine passport to partake in Irish society a reality.

Today I can reveal that that poster was…Rebekah Vardy.

Only joking it was @glasagusban of course.


The pubs and restaurants don’t appear to be well served by their representatives.

:clap: :clap:

You are correct. All the publicans of Ireland will be doing their level best to make this work because something is better than nothing. The issue of enforcement is crucial. An Garda Siochana have been doing an outstanding job in difficult circumstances so far it has to be said

If the VFI just said “we’re all opening” they could do that.

I’m shocked they never thought of that


I’m pretty hammered here pal, I can’t quite process online irony. What’s the story, are you lads all pushing them to just announce an opening? How reprepresentative is the VFI anyway? Is it a government body or what? Why can’t they grow a pair? Could @Lazarus run for president of it?

Lets just leave it at that

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The vfi need a big fucking carrot and a big fucking stick, that’s my drunken opinion. It’s like Ronald Reagan said, to get what you want you need to have nice polite manners and a loaded revolver. He didn’t actually say that, I just made it up, but he said something similar that I forget now.


Ooooh fucking Mr fuck

@Lazarus is there a serious fear that some pubs are going to be fucked come winter (if they do get to open).

I.e. the pubs will open, supports will end, but they will be left without the buffer of the income they would have made during the summer?

Is there a push to open up and the VFI backing publicans in the High Court?

Alcohol is class, fuck NPHET

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Why don’t they open up and ignore the vaccination policy? In rural pubs they won’t be asking for proof of vaccination anyway.

That’s the plan, they just can’t come out and say it.

Ah right, government don’t trust them.

So, despite the Council of Europe’s Resolution 2361 of 2021 (quoted below), all the publicans of Ireland will happily go along with the “no vaccine, no entry” line? Because it’s better than nothing?

…with respect to ensuring high vaccine uptake: ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves; and ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated.

It’s a disgrace that publicans have been backed into a corner where this is even an option for consideration. This violates the right to privacy, it violates the right to bodily integrity, and last but most certainly not least, it is discriminatory. The WRC/courts will be busy, and the best piece of advice I could give you is to ignore this bullshit. As an example, there are a number of the 9 protected grounds upon which a person may be unable to accept the COVID-19 vaccine and to suggest that any such person should be refused equal access to a pub is discriminatory in itself. Complaints under the Equal Status Acts in regard to discrimination or unlawful treatment are dealt with by the WRC, and the fines are steep.