Pubs opening

If there’s a group with some lads fully vaxed, and some partially vaxed, will they turn you away in Dublin?

Depends. Any TDs in the group?

This is why you should have got the Janssen mate

I’m optimistic I’ll bluff my way in somewhere but just want to be prepared to know what to do.

I’d say very few groups would be turned away. A lad on his own, maybe

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Ryan’s out the back is “outdoor” but covered I think

Ryan’s was a free for all at the weekend I heard.

I wonder what Devitt’s and other places will be like. A lot will depend on the weather.

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They can drop you out a doggie bag as they chow down indoors.

Just paid €6.20 for an indoor pint of Coors :beer: Jaysus it’s great to be back in Dublin for a pint.

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Here is the latest news and updates from VFI head office:

Updated Guidelines

Following recent publicity surrounding the hosting of an event in the Merrion Hotel, Failte Ireland has indicated it will publish updated guidelines relating to outdoor events where 200 people are allowed attend.

The updated guidelines will not be published tonight but we will send them to members as soon as they become available.


Meeting with Government

A further meeting took place with government officials yesterday. Despite attempts by some to portray this as a further discussion about re-opening, its real purpose was to reflect on the first nine days of indoor drinking and dining and to seek to address any issues that might have arisen.

Some very important items surfaced and are worth repeating:

  • The next phase of relaxing guidelines is dependent on how well this phase goes. We are sending a clear message to those small number of members who are not adhering to the guidelines that not alone are you putting your own business in danger but the businesses of others around the country
  • The HSE and HSA have spent the past week digesting the new guidelines and training their members. They indicated that they will be hitting the streets with inspections in the coming days and weeks. There is already some evidence of this taking place in recent days

We requested an enhanced public information campaign about the use of Covid vaccination cards as acceptable proof of vaccination once a second dose is administered.

Inevitably we used the opportunity to press the case for further relaxation of restrictive measures. We outlined our key priorities as follows”

  • The return of the bar counter
  • The removal of table service
  • Removal of social distancing measures
  • Normality

Government have indicated that there will be no further relaxations during August but we are pressing to have the full plan ready by the end of this month.

On a lighter note, we see that Scotland are removing all restrictions from Monday next. Remember it is only a very few short weeks ago that we were told that the virus is “ripping through” Scotland. The lighter note revolves around a press release from one of the Scottish trade associations who welcomed the return of “vertical drinking”. The mind boggles as to what the Scots have been up to over the past year!


I’d nearly tip into Ryan’s tomorrow afternoon.

I’d post my outfit but we live in a sick world.


Met a couple of the lads in Gaffneys in Fairview yesterday before The Match. Strict enough compliance to the regs, my vaccine pass was checked for the first time and came up and my mobile no. was taken. First time Gaffneys had been open since March 2020, the Gaffer was in two minds as to whether he bother opening for the final, such were the administrative burdens.

The Gardai were checking up on Brù when I passed.

5.40 for a bottle of Heineken Zero by the way. I nearly fell over.



I put down a proper shift in the harp bar in naas yesterday. Christ I’m in an awful way.


What’s the story with drinking in Dublin on Saturday night. Do you need bookings?

Didn’t need any for the semi final anyway.

Vaccine certs were optional in some places also.

The Holy Trinity along Camden Street of Ryan’s, Devitts and Jimmy Rabbittes are all ‘Walk in’ only.


I think I’ll head that direction. Always a safe bet.


I’ll be watching the game in Haddington Road. Nobody going along with my suggestion of heading to Ballybough

They don’t give a fuck up there

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