Pubs opening

Cassidys is better than all 3 of those


Didn’t need one couple of weeks ago anyway. Places weren’t overly busy. Some places just
Look at cert and some scan it. Most seemed to ask for it but often if one in group has it they leave it at that.



What’s the craic for Sunday evening drinking? Will the holy trinity shut at 11:30 or take a chance with it being All Ireland weekend?

Allegedly a certain pub that will remain nameless, lets call it O’Bryans of Macden Street didn’t close at all the Saturday of the Waterford game


Grand job so

They’ll stop serving circa 11.30/12 for 2 hours kicking out all the idiots, but then around 2am they’ll start serving again to a small number of heavyweights.

Best thing I’d advise is order a big round at 11.30 from Devitts and drink it outside on the tables.

Then tip down to O’Bryans of Macden street around 1.30am and bluff your way in.


The hideout was absolutely lawless before and after as well. Elbowing your way to the bar job. Twas weird to be back to it to be honest

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As a younger man I was frequently preyed upon by oul wans in Devitts. I don’t know how you do it.

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Will I be seeing you round the Camden street area on Sunday?

I’d a few pints in a pub in Dundrum cc: @peddlerscross , @endakenny @Fat_Pox on Friday. It was like the pandemic never happened. Cash only , no masks. Only difference was less people. The putter is still a mainstay

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Never say never but very unlikely I’m afraid.


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Was having this discussion. There’s a great stretch of road now covid free going from Doon to Holycross where covid has ended.

Doon, Cappawhite, Annacarty, Dundrum, Clonoulty and the majority of Holycross.

I don’t tend to stay too far off that road because of face nappies and vaccine apartheid in other locations.


Ballagh is meant to be rammed most nights. I didn’t venture. Only one pub open in Clonoulty but busy out too.

Ballagh is the busiest pub in the mid-west. There was one Sunday where you had 5 parishes converge on the crossroads, it was like a Munster final with Limerick playing back in the day.

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Ballagh is a fantastic spot. Met a man in Greymouth, South Island of NZ in 2019 from around doon. Got chatting and he tells me that his father still travels to Ballagh every Thursday for pints. It has always done well down through the years.

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The Hideout has always been lawless and long may it continue.

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The Hideout is no longer.

I had one pre-match pint of Guinness and five post-match ones outside the Hideout last Saturday.

It was one of the few pubs in the area that was open.


Au contraire