Pubs opening

Itā€™s back. Itā€™s a bit like a cockroach. Indestructible


I confidently predict it will resist gentrification .

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Was Gillā€™s open ,?

Not for our semi anyway

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No. The Hill 16 was shut too.

Right - must be under new owners so.

Very dangerous behaviour. I hope you were wearing a mask and drank your drink 2m from everyone else.

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The Clonliffe House was insane yesterday.

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Went down to Cusackā€™s after the match. Twas grand

Frequented a moycullen hostelry a few times over the week. I asked did we need facemasks, a booking or a cert and was looked at like I was insane.

Apparently they shut it down last night

I was in a different pub and a guard came in.

Iā€™d say they actually called the guard to help them clear the place as it was lawless inside there(they had stopped serving at half 11). 6 garda cars outside the bar when we eventually got out.

Walked past the queue for the red parrot at about 12.30 yesterday. Hundreds of people in the queue. I suspect the vast majority of them didnā€™t get a drink.

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Was the Red Parrot even open yesterday?
I walked past after the match and it was shut up

There was even a guard there asking people avoid stepping into the road. No mention of masks or social distance though :grinning:

Covids over

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They were serving out of a hatch at the front.

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The lane beside it was mental. Then guards came and cleared it.

Also to mention, There was a pub on Ballybough road called Lowrys. There was no queue there and looked like anyone could just walk in. I donā€™t know the story there?

I noticed that myself. Was a bit odd given the crowds in the other places.

I felt sorry for folks looking for tickets with signs etc. Prob little chance of getting into a pub to then watch the game when deciding to give up looking