Pubs opening

But they will be checking the checks like fuck from here on

The social distancing stays does it not? So no standing, etc.

All back to normal inside. For those who can produce valid vaccine certs at the door.
Per source


Anything on niteclubs?

Twill be great to lean on a wet counter waving your twenty euro note at the barman as your torso gets crushed agailn.


Its a political decision now but the Nphet advice allow for them apparo. All about the checks Im told

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Lehane doubling down on a small extension of opening hours.

That would be pointless, all that happens is people go out earlier.

They’ll hammer the pubs & restaurants on vaccine certs now to get everyone vaccinated. It’s their most effective tool I’d say

Joe getting hammered in the replies


What an utter cunt of a man.


Gearoid Whelan is gonna have a field day on Twitter today

Cc @Tank


Gavan Reilly (@gavreilly) Tweeted:
VIDEO: Leaving the table for a dance, but not a drink? Taoiseach accepts that rules on nightlife will create anomalies - and, in practical terms, indoor events will still be subject to limited attendance despite caps being lifted. @VirginMediaNews

🤦 X 50

This has just happened constantly throughout the pandemic. Big build up to announcements. Leaks all over the shop. They announce it and then have to iron out loads of little anomalies. Would they not bring a half intelligent person into the meetings to ask them these questions before they announce them to the public??
It absolutely beggars belief


How long before Leo is caught breaking restrictions in a nightclub?

Surely they can’t keep nightclubs standing and gigs sitting? What about a DJ playing a gig couldn’t he just call it a night club?

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What usually happens is NPHET recommend something Draconian, the government water it down but in attempting to please everyone they please nobody and we end up with confusion and farce.


Djs can play standing gigs at nightclubs, unless they’re really successful djs that have to play sitting down concerts.

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But you can stand at your seat!