Pubs opening

Everyone can get up and dance for the DJ but if he picks up a guitar they have to sit back down again.

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10,000 at the 3 Arena the weekend yet you cant go to the bar for a drink.

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Is the 3 arena all seated?

The 2 Johnnies crowd would be having a few scoops in a few weeks.

In all seriousness though surely this is ripe for a Twitter backlash and a row back?? I don’t have a Twitter account any more so can’t search for what the policy formers are saying

2 Unlimited playing bangers and you can’t dance along. Deary me


Leave Mrs Mcgregor out of this please


No no, no no no no, no no, there’s some limits


So if I’ve got this right.

These protective measures include:

  • Use of a vaccination or recovery certificate (for example, the EU Digital COVID Certificate) for indoor hospitality and events
  • Social distancing
  • Use of face coverings when not eating, drinking and dancing
  • Table service only in hospitality settings with a maximum of 10 people per table (15 per table including children)
  • Indoor events such as live music and sports events must be fully seated

Pubs, restaurants, hotels and nightclubs probably come in under the hospitality sector.

So it’s table service - presumably. So that means every busy city pub and nightclub will have about less than 10% of their capacity in attendance? The only exception for nightclubs seems to be you can order a drink at the bar, with your face nappy on and return to a seat to drink. You can also put your face nappy on and make your way to the dance floor where you can dance? So nightclub capacity will be limited by how many seats they have?

How do they reckon this will unfold on busy Saturday nights out with people jostling to get into places?

It’s madness.



This deserves a lot more likes.

A recovery cert is as valid as a vaccine pass so Callum Robinson is able to get a coffee in Ireland. How do you like that Joe Duffy?

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93% vaccinated and apparently the unvaccinated plagued in hospital, dropping like flies and it still makes no difference.

Even if they unvaccinated were rounded up and forcibly jabbed, the goalposts would change a few weeks later. But when you have docile simpletons like @the_man_himself barking approval like a seal at every govt stipulation and media news report then what do you expect?

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You’re cheerleading the vaccine rollout that has led to you not being able to stand up in a pub, capacity reduced to 10% and so on.

You’ve parroted the govt lines on blaming the unvaccinated for being unable to reopen society
 You’re a dimwit.

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Fact. Are you denying saying it or merely trying to obfuscate?

So you can’t find a link? Your level of anger today is very strange

Interesting you are refusing to deny it. Once you deny it I’ll find it. As usual, you scared out of your wits to hide behind anything. You seem to reckon I’m angry this morning, not by any means though I enjoy seeing you squirm at your stupidity.

Doesn’t seem too much talk about the live concerts and standing but I imagine that they’ll allow it. Any news @Lazarus