Pubs opening

I’ve been doing my best this week.
Pints Sunday night, Wednesday night and a couple tonight.


5pm closing is grand. I’m usually gone by 6 anyway

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I will be going to the pub Saturday night unvaccinated.

Fuck them cunts.

*I won’t actually as I’m not allowed in.

The vintners association have to push back on this in all seriousness, mate.

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there’s two in this village, one is up for sale. the other one is alright but she was telling me they were one more enforced lockdown away from having to pack it in.

She’d have got the stock in for the Christmas and the Brewers are cunts, she’s stuck with it I’d say

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In truth he has been extremely liberal with what he has proposed and yis should be bowing down before him for giving yis a few hours drinking time.

The truth is the country should be shut down, and yis all know it.

Cc: of @Enrique.

I’m sure most won’t bother opening now. This is gonna cost a pretty penny to the State but nothing else matters now apparently.

telling them 5pm means the government won’t have to pay the supports to them. This is a nasty move. They’d be better off shutting them down.


Surely the troll on this site should be banned? Its not even remotely funny.

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Pubs will be rammed all weekend now. Followed by house parties for Christmas where anything goes. Sensible stuff


They are genuinely insane people in nphet

Fowlers will open. That’s all that matters. Few pints watching the racing. Lovely

i heard you get shitfaced early, didnt know it was drink related

I’ll have to get the kids sleeping during the day over Christmas to have a pint

Lads, directing the blame for this at Nphet is totally misguided.

Its FFG who are making these decisions.

Remember that when they come around looking for a vote.


TFK was way ahead of the curve when it called out Holohan for being a dangerous lunatic around April 2020.


The truth is most of the posters on this site are quite happy for a lot of people to die so they can have pints.

It’s mad it has got to this stage but shure I guess that’s where we are as a society these days.

There’s an unbelievably nasty, brutish, ultra-selfish edge to OIUTF.

All down to the guards and enforcement. Most guards have a lower opinion of Nphet/Govt than this forum.
Christmas eve serve till 10, full lockdown then I reckon. Keeping the schools open next week is pointless

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FFG have ceded power to NPHET, theyre as much to blame as transparency tony

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None of us are getting out of here alive

Thats a fact.