Pubs opening

Well shure go drink driving tonight then.

Sure they are goosed now again. If they go against him the likes of @Cheasty will be calling them murderers etc.
From experience a lot of people were self regulating the last week or so. A lot of things people were planning cancelled etc.

From reading between the lines today NPHET said nothing like this last night to Mickey Martin. Blindsided again

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They’re worse than Nphet to be honest.

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I dont drink drive.

I’ll go for pints from 11-5 as I would usually do most Sundays anyway.

I’ll then get a taxi home.

I’d rather die than live like this.

Phil got new modelling in the last 24 hours. This will break Omicron and drive R below 1.

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Omicron will have infected all of us 4 times by Christmas eve so tis all equal

A proper leader of a country wouldnt bend over for doomsday merchants mate.

70% of people generally have enough cop on re measures etc always statistically.

This is unrale stuff with 94% of the herd vaxxed.

Especially considering the 6% arent in the pubs anyway. Vaccines as I said all along are a fucking cod. Total cod.

Funnily enough the same self proclaimed “pro-transparency” posters who then turned anti-transparency will now suddenly revert to the “pro-transparency” side.

Personally I think it’d be hilarious if nobody connected to the Government or NPHET said anything now. Just stony silence. Shut the thing down. Just to see how yis’d react. :grinning:

But shure we all die in the end…

A bit like Noel McGrath on Paddy Leavy,.

Joe public on Twitter outraged at this news on Lehane’s tweet. With the notable exception of Gerry Killeen.



I dunno are you flaming on purpose or what, just looking for a reaction, but there are two sides to the pandemic, the people who get sick from the virus and the people who get affected by the restrictions imposed because of it.

I’ve always maintained and I still do, that in the absence of vaccinations then lockdowns were necessary. And I fought the point on many occasions. I tried not to be a cunt to people who were affected but it was emotive stuff.

The majority are vaccinated now, the hospital numbers look stable, the new infections aren’t much different or rising. The justifications for this arbitrary 5pm time look thin.

To come out with shit like people are ok with people dying to have a pint is a bit crass.


Youse are the actual doomsday merchants.

How the fook would any of yis react to something genuinely bad happening?

It’s a ridicuously over the top, snowflakey reaction.

The government will change it to 9pm based off that.

They’re sound that way.

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What Gerry saying? What time do pubs close in Tanzania?


The awful problem that this country is there is no opposition.

Sinn Fein, Labour, Social democrats etc are probably more leaning towards batshit restrictions.

I might have to join the rural independents or Aontu.

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Getting double jabbed.
Getting the booster.
2km travel limits.
5km travel limits.
Banning people from attending funerals.
Weddings with 6 people at them.
Businesses shut for 18 months.
Flattening the curve.
Guards fining people at airports and ports.
Mask wearing in schools.

All for nothing. We’ve been sold an absolute pup.


It’s not shit. It’s the truth. If you keep pubs open and for that matter, non essential shops etc. you are inviting this variant to spread at lightning pace. And we have to expect that that will prove catastrophic. There is every reason to think it could.

Youse are saying: “let’s chance our arm”. That’s not any sort of a basis for policy.

You say there are two sides and then bulldoze any notion that you actually believe that.

The shock, the amazement, the outrage on this forum that anybody else would think differently to the most vocal OIUTF people here, well, maybe it’s yerselves who need to get out more.

Because the majority opinion in this country is not with yis, it’s against yis.

Frankly, this forum has once again behaved in a totally cuntish way tonight. And somebody needs to call yis out on this.

Yis are unbelievably deluded.