Pubs opening

fixed it


The vaccines were an awful cod in fairness.


when the fuck did you start posting in a Dublin accent? You’re even more annoying than usual.

Fuck off away out of it you mog


The restrictions imposed over the last two years haven’t been genuinely bad?

I like to impress @Bandage (Cc: of @Enrique).

It’s not that bad.

the ignore function is your friend Este

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I’m not saying anything of the sort - people are vaccinated to protect against the worst cases. I’m saying give the vaccines a chance, or else what’s the point. People will rail against the vaccines if there are going to be lockdowns as well.

No they weren’t. It was nice wedge for a fella in his early twenties with fuckall responsibility. For any fella with kids/mortgage/commitments/gambling issues it was fuckall. You craft a life and budget accordingly. And we’ve seen recently how much they taxed us on the supposedly ‘nice wedge’. For any fella with a bit about him that was working or running his own business it has been a disaster.
Also, and I don’t say this lightly, fuck you, you glib cunt.


Which is worse? Being cavalier about the strong possibility thousands of deaths or not having a “meaningful Christmas” - ie. lads being let off the leash for one piss up?

You called it from Day One, to be fair to you. You’ve been vindicated every step of the way, this is lockdown by the back door and so therefore you win that charity wager you had with another poster about there being a winter 2021 lockdown.

I was fooled by the vaccines. I mistakenly thought they’d be our ticket out of this. Clearly not, there’ll be more and more variants. More rolling lockdowns, more fear, more division. More diktats from Taoiseach Holohan.

It’s incredibly grim. 2 years later and we’re still in the gutter.


I’ve no. Reason. To live anymore

mate, I’ll meet you in Brandon in Feb/March and we’ll take our tops off, box the heads off each other and then be best friends


“Let’s chance our arm” is exactly what you’re saying. And even as it is, if pubs close at 5pm from Monday, we are chancing our arm.

Some people already rail against the vaccines. These people are overgrown children. This will make no difference.

Hang in there mate don’t like to see those sentiments


Both are genuinely bad

In fairness to the hospitality sector they followed all the bullshit to the tee. Very little cases can be traced back to these settings.

Its not covid or public health. Its anti alcohol


We’re all here for you. Big house party and 2 fingers to the goverment


It’s pointless with all the bullshit

any sort of restrictions on hospitality and i can see the vintners losing the rag and heading for the 4 goldmines