Pubs opening

Nolanā€™s spreadsheets must be full of red text

youā€™re terrible at advice.


at least this means weā€™ll get a meaningful Cheltenham


I champion Boris Williams from The Cure alright. What a fucking drummer.

Again, you refuse to face up to the fact that forcing workers into unventilated spaces with a virus which they WILL catch rampaging around is the exact opposite of being pro-worker.

Itā€™s the ideology of the 19th century industrialists.

Thatā€™s fucking stupid talk. This is totally unnecessary.

I just want to go for a fucking pint when I want over Christmas.

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  1. If the lockdown is because a lack of boosters then itā€™s the governmentā€™s fault for not starting in September. Therefore the government should fall.
  2. If boosters for everyone wouldnā€™t solve the problem then we need a fundamental rethink of this flawed strategy and the government should fall.

I agree 100%

Work Working GIF


No offense but you are just the same as @Cheasty when you are speaking like this. Two sides of the same coin living in hardman INTERNET fantasyland. Meanwhile genuine hard working people just get on with it and do their best to get through it


two fronts Laz. I know itā€™s been a hard day, but donā€™t start a war on two fronts. :rofl:

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Clowns to the left of meā€¦etc

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Thatā€™s Lazā€™s first honest post in about 6 months. Heā€™s clearly having a mental breakdown tonight.

None taken pal.

Iā€™m not messing though. Hospitality needs to push back. Yeā€™ve been scapegoated as an easy target.

If ye donā€™t push back now. Do you expect a different result next winter?

I have sympathy for @Lazarus. I have fuck all sympathy for the manbabies throwing their rattles out of the pram because they probably canā€™t have one mini-session before Christmas.

Indeed. Iā€™m switching over to the North Shropshire by election now and expect Iā€™ll end up on the NFL thread at some point in the twilight hours


Ok tough guy

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Bend over and get your booster so.

Good luck.

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It generally goes in the arm mate. Is this misunderstanding why you didnā€™t get the vaccine?


I know youā€™re not the brightest signal that ever came out of Tipperary.

But even for you, that is ridicliously stupid.

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This is something we will have to discuss later. For now, good night.