Pubs opening

Nolan denied in October that vaccine waning was why cases started to go back up a few days after he had said Ireland had it suppressed. Israel had data on this in July…

Then a couple of weeks later he acknowledged that maybe it was a factor but he hasn’t stuck it into the numbers yet.

In early November they were saying this though still on Boosters. “We don’t need them, we just need basic public health measures” - basic measures like closing hospitality early I guess.

Then a couple of weeks ago Tony called for the Booster programme to be expedited. Nolan didn’t stick the impact of Boosters into his numbers, but had finally put in waning immunity.

This was all pre Omicron, which is the excuse now. Their approach to everything is half assed and frankly incompetent. I wouldn’t have had a problem with the Pre Omicron opposition to Boosters but given their only KPI is cases, it was unbelievable that Nolan just ignored Israel. If he had been happy enough to have focused on hospitals (as I was tbf) then fair enough, but it really isn’t sustainable how they do their jobs.

Will they get another bite at the cherry to “model” our way out of Covid like they were in 2021?


I’ll tell ye a little story about vaccinations. I was due to travel to India with work many, many years ago and you needed to get multiple vaccinations for a few weeks in advance in order to travel. The company set up a vaccine schedule with one of the local clinics in Ballincollig, I was only a youngfella, early to middle twenties. Arrives on for the first session, green as fuck. We’ll be giving you X,Y,Z today, x in the arm, y in the arm, z in the buttocks.

I’d love to tell ye the nurse was a lovely young wan but she was rough as a badgers hole, x in the arm, y in the arm, she goes right i’m getting Z, you get ready, she turns around to prepare the vaccine, I whips the whole lot off, pants, jocks, shoes and socks and cocks the arse up into the air. The poor woman got an awful fright when she turned around, you only had to pull down the side of your pants Mr.Sexface she says.


If I got my predictions and forecasts so wrong so often in my profession I would be let go due to poor performance. That’s not easy to do and would be over a period of time. Rightfully so. The mind boggles how this bluffed gets away with his models


The whole thing is a fraud lads.

A perfect Sidney post. No response to the actual post. Just a re-framing of a different argument. We got no 5 grand a month. Thats another Sid Lie. Of which there are many. My earnings evaporated. I had to take a break from paying the mortgage. You can throw your ‘yis’ wanted this and that all you like but it’s not true. This particular yis wanted to work. So much so that we have lined up work repeatedly which gets cancelled when lockdowns come. We pay our people for all the prep required. @glasagusban can vouch for this.

Also, and it’s worth repeating because you regularly cite the loss of your father as a reason you know/care/understand/have been affected more by covid than anyone else here, I had to listen to the staff of the coronary care ward in Beaumont tell me my dad died prematurely because of lockdowns and the issues it caused with socialisation, lack of exercise, meaningful contact and everything else it entailed. They saw it with countless patients. That was real. It happened. That’s shit but that’s life. And every single day the effects of restrictions manifest themselves countrywide. Increased domestic violence. Increases in children being taken into emergency care.
The flat line of deaths is now an idiotic metric by which to judge prospective courses of action for the pandemic. We are 2 years in. We need to think about a lot, lot more when we think about restricting the population now.
And without a shadow of a doubt, most people are not cunts. They take their vaccines(and boosters) and follow as many restrictions-ish as are possible. But they also tailor their lives to their own needs for socialisation etc. And the world needs to continue to turn. And it will.


There’s nothing wrong with having a well thought out range of assumptions and plugging them in. It’s the half assed way they do things that’s annoying. NPHET’s plan of action this year was vaccines to deliver HI. They were the heroes for keeping us closed longer during the summer and they could ride off into the sunset. They must have been willfully looking the other way in the summer months when the waning immunity stuff started up.

7pm would have been deal for the Kieran cuddihy middle aged dad of young kids/dangerous demagogue demographic but 5pm is surely wumming by Tony et al. It’s completely out of left field and seems to have never even been mentioned before as an option.
Id say Kieran will be fomenting revolution and encouraging his followers to storm nphet HQ and string Phillip Nolan up on a scaffold tomorrow night on the drivetime slot.

It’ll be 9pm. Twitter scorn governs the country now sure.

Surely when they fire in the numbers and see the result they step back and say mmh looks a bit off, 20000 a day is a bit ridiculous if we can only test 25k/30k.

Yeah that’s true alright.

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Classic Holohan low ball them and make them compromise to what you really want

happy paul rudd GIF


Has the pessimistic Nphet model ever occurred?

POTY :+1: :clap: :clap:


Without any evidence to back up my answer I’ll go with a no

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I’m not so sure. Twitter went buck ape the last bout of restrictions but a huge majority in the next poll supported them and they came in without a whimper. Same with masks on primary school kids. I’d bet a substantial sum govt will follow nphet advice to the letter.

I wouldnt bet against you on it to be fair.

They normally do a bit of fishing though and try and come out looking like heros with a comprimise.

@Juhniallio thats a belter of a post you’ve been through the ringer this year with loss as have I there is no hierarchy of loss in terms of anyones parents dying.


Has that happened before? Seems to me they never deviate at all especially lately.

the reaction to those are the reasons tfk is viable. It reminds you that there are people behind the avatars. It gets a bit fractious and messy and whatever but when you really, really need it, there is a goodness here


you should be on prime time Arthur