Pubs opening

They are all called Flannerys in Limerick these days


The daddy of them all - The Lodge

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The nightclub scene is dead unfortunately mate.

Forgot about the lodge actually. Shocking omission.

Danos & Barrys in Clonmel.

Cahir House briefly in Cahir.


The Ragg

Hayes in Thurles.

Grants in Cashel.

( that lunatic asylum in Nenagh I can’t remember name of )

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Kielys in Tipp Town.

I’m only old enough to have got in there a couple of times before it closed.

My God, what a place.

Grants was some spot. @Fat_Pox caused chaos in there one night after he introduced a sliothar to the dancefloor.


The Royal in Tipp town.


I’d be no saint but the carry on in there would sober you up immediately

The current generation (including myself) are pretty useless to drink compared to the those aged 35+.

There was a second nightclub called Watermill in Thurles for a while.

It was the Mecca.

Well laid out, big dance area, huge smoking area out back and the Bouncers were sound.

Down by Lar na Pairce? Dodgy enough the odd time I was in there. Full of lads who couldnt get in to Hayes’ and Eastern Europeans.

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Don’t forget the Munster and that cunt of a stairs

Never in there. Maximus was wild the few times I was there.

Big fucking stairs up into it too.

At least Danos stairs weren’t as steep and tight.

Stairs & drunk carryharry was a disastrous combination

I don’t think Langtons have even opened back up the nightclub since the restrictions ended

Ya that’s it. There was a few good nights there around 15/16 when Hayes’s was closed. Lads on top of the roof.

O’Keefes in Clonmel had a niche of opening on Thursday nights.

Played host to one of the most epic fights I’ve ever seen the day the Leaving Cert ended in my year.

JD’s in Ballybunnion had a similar niche opening on Tuesdays.

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