Pubs opening

The Brian Ború was decent too. Couple of great nights in there back in the day.

I think thats the only nightclub in Tipp that I’ve ever been in. Rough as fuck it was. Good few rows inside and outside the door.

Wasnt a bad spot though circa 2004/5.

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That was the later day….

The real player in that venue was Knox’s ( friends ) when Ryan Coopers sold up to move to Tipp Town.

There was two serious Nightclubs in Cashel in late 90’s.
Grants outstayed them though until fading away in mid 00’s

The last time I was in Grants was probably Christmas 2010.

Ruby’s, Montys, Collios, Kilcornan House, Whispers and that’s just west Limerick.

I think there’s no nightclub at all in West Limerick actually now that I think about it. A few late bars in NCW.

The death of the minibus caused the death of the rural nightclub. That plus drink driving I suppose.

In Tralee there was 4 around 2007ish. Fabric, Horans, the Grand and McDaids. There’s a night club in where McDaids was again, and the Grand opens up at Christmas but that’s it. More or less 3/4 gone.

Even in cities they are declining.

Limerick is down probably three or four nightclub venues even though I’d say there are more pubs open now. Trinity rooms gone, Lodge gone. Wicked chicken gone. Would you count riddlers as a nightclub? The icon still not reopened.

It would seem that women want to drink expensive cocktails in fancy bars these days.

It was on its last legs I’d imagine

Think it closed for good not long after.

What towns were all them places in?

This is true.

Like a light switch being flicked it went from your pick of buses to get home on to there being nothing there.

The craic on a bus home some nights was as good as the night out.

Ruby’s Abbeyfeale, well Kerry side of the border I’d say. Montys was Tarbert. Where the lanterns Hotel is. Whispers and Collios were both NCW, and kilcornan house was kilcornan obviously. There was a place in Croagh for a while as well although nightclub would be being very generous

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Always the chance of pulling a bird there as well at the end of the night with everyone’s standards lower :joy:


Completely mental spots. Never witnessed anything like what I saw there on the few occasions I visited.

The rows inside, outside & around the town were unbelievable

Bag of chips & the shift

I remember going to Freddie’s in Ballinamore as a teenager as I’ve cousins on the Cavan side of the border. Cc: @anon67715551

That was some eye opener. Wild spot.

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I suppose we will think of nightclubs like they think of showbands now. Mark McCabe will be our Ronan Collins

you too young for Spirals Julio?!! before your time ? wednesday nights ladies free entry

Those buses driving young people 30km on a Saturday night to have the craic wasnt sustainable.

Look at storm Dudley, Eunice and Franklin last week. We should be ashamed of ourselves really.

That bollix George Lee was half alluding to that earlier on the 1 clock lunchtime news.

Tinder killed nightclubs

Get on your phone after a few pints and get jiggy jiggy on way home from pub - easy peasy.

So I heard

I was in Spirals a few times. Ballybunion was the main option in summer as Monty’s was closed. The beach parties. Dancing on a platform like an eejit with sand in your shoes

the voice yes GIF

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