Pubs opening

I lived with a chap from Durrow back in college. He said PG was carnage, Durrow v Abbyleix.

That was an incredible meltdown from Billy.

A rough couple of months then when Brian Howard stitched him up with DIT.

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I’m reliably informed that the owner of Reardens in Cork has a bid in for the old Cubins Nightclub on Hanover Street. € 5.5 million.

She’s afraid that it’ll be turned into apartments and then she’ll be tasked with soundproofing Reardens….


He did, you’re right. Whats Brian working at nowadays?

Mind your own business.

Billy is a sound skin

The O’Loughlins as a whole would be gentlemen, if a little assured shall we say.

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Has he still a chance of that Sigerson? You’d value it highly I’d say?

Were you looking for pints of tap water there too?

They have a job done on it you woukdnt see it in cork city. Unknown who owns it I’d say

They’ve some job done on the place.

My abiding memory of the place is Freddie launching bottles at a couple of lads who were trying to climb the back wall.

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Hi-jinx. Our late publican, the immortal Nealie spent the entire Christmas Day skulling brandy with no grub and the bar staff (Nealie’s Angels) called for him around 11pm to celebrate the festive season in Freddie’s disco which kicked off at midnight. I’m unclear if there was a suitable license but whatever…

The place was rammed with most of the clientele pissed but in the course of a thundering demonstration of the Hucklebuck Nealie crashed through the giant Christmas tree causing complete mayhem and killing the power for about 15 minutes.

He told me ruefully the next day that Freddie had poisoned him with a few sponsored large cognacs……

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Indeed. It was half a rhetorical question :joy:

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They’ll hardly be worth that now, more like a job-lot for €800k.

I see there was a pile of counterfeit notes found at a premises in Newmarket.


Changes to licensing laws to allow clubs open til 6am. I’m really too old for this, but still, class.

Another excellent move from Minister McEntee.

That’s great news for the country’s three remaining nightclubs.