Pubs opening

Who’s the lad in the blue shoes?

I’m not sure tbh

Best of luck Noel and friends in your new venture

Noel the roaster. He just can’t give up those roaster jeans

He’d look fair ridiculous in the tights Dave Kearney has on

He usually has a nice black shoe to go with the baggy jeans

The Tweeter.
Noel Anderson, I think maybe he runs the pubs for those rugby lads.

That was Tonic years ago and then Spoons bought it. Nice to see it re gentrified.

Nice to see Piddlin Pete with a new venture.

Is Kearney in Desert Boots? Are Desert Boots back?

They aren’t desert boots. Desert boots sit beyond fashion as a classic.

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Did Spoons close then ? Thought they were all doing well

Sold at start of year. They still have the place in Dun Laoghaire i think

Not much of a market for it in Blackrock even though it was the first one. I think once the Dún Laoghaire one opened that it sucked up a lot of the trade that used to go to the Blackrock one.

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They are class

Née Easy Street

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The bus from Dundrum back to Newport was the guts of an hour, having to do drop offs at various East Limerick hellholes. Sure you’d be sober by the time you got home

As I understand it he owns majority. The lads own perhaps 10% each.

I’m sure it works well for him. Give the lads an equity interest at a discount and clean up with the rugby bandwagoners.

Wetherspoons open in Waterford now. Big place impressive array of taps including a Dungarvan beer. Judging by the clientele cider will be the big seller.

(I didn’t know what thread to post this in).
We’ve taken a few days off and driven out to Orange in western NSW for a couple of days. It’s all very nice, but the undoubtedly whiteist place I’ve ever been to in my life. There is not much multiculturalism here. It’s full of wineries byt you have to book a visit. We had a very good dinner in a very good restaurant but then herself fell asleep straight away back in the hotel.
I’m bored so I’ve come back down the town and the only place open is the RSL club. Jesus It’s depressing. The only ones here (its 10.55pm) are playing the pokies.
I know its a struggle to find a pub open in an Irish town on a Wednesday night, but at least it would be interesting. This is just soul killing shite. I’ll have to go back to the hotel and drink the rest of the bottle of red.
First world problems and all that.