Pubs opening

Orange is not in western New South Wales, buddy, it’s in eastern New South Wales.

Broken Hill would be western New South Wales.

If somebody could log me as an expert on the geography of New South Wales that would be great, thank you.

Well we drove from the Central Coast which is actually eastern, so believe me, this is western NSW.

You may feel like you have driven a long way, but that doesn’t mean you have driven to the western part of the state. New South Wales is a big state.

I mean it’s a long way from Boston to Pittsburgh but that doesn’t mean Pittsburgh is in the western part of the United States.

Have you seriously not got anything better to do with your time?

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Pedantry like what I’m engaging in here is what made this forum great. Have some respect.

It sounds like your as bored as I am



Noel Anderson the actual publican of the group. formerly of Ward Anderson cinemas and now high profile spokesman for vintners

They have made a packet in the other 2 spots

Waterford the kind of place a spoons would be expected to go a bomb alright

He was. He’s finished for now with LVA in an official capacity. The owner of Kealy’s out by Dublin Airport is the big cheese now

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Kealys do a great half and half curry

Christ, thats a way in.

All those towns like Wagga Wagga and Bathurst did they all start as mining settlements, its amazing they still exist.

On multiculturism, I once drove through a town called Ti Tree in NT, population was 90% indiginieous. In the local supermarket items such as mouth wash and anything with any form of alcohol were behind locked glass cabinets.

It never ceases to amaze me how shite all the pubs are around the rds.

There was barely two bartenders in any bar and there was 1000s looking for pints immediately after the long bar closed. Any of those pubs left 1000s of euros behind them this week.

Like for the amount of money swashing around that area of Dublin they are arguably just kips.


Ballsbridge as an area is sort of betwixt and between a place to socialise in apart from rugby and horsey lads when there’s an event on.

There’s hardly a pub of note in Donnybrook either now that Kiely’s is gone.


It’s very unusual.

I was surprised by the bridge. I think the mussels were 16 quid and they were lovely. It was a bit shit though inside.

How many millions were spent in Ryan’s ? They’ve done some job on the place. I only took stock of it the other night going in for my phone sober early.

They paved the pubs and put up apartment blocks.

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The bridge is some shithole inside if you think of the location and prices for pints. Looks good on the outside

Yep the area outside is nice enough