Pubs opening

Now the lackagh boys will be flat out on the bag talking the ear off the taxi driver on the way home at 7am with an egg mcmuffin


Any time i was out in Galway there was always a few lads looking to go outside Supermacs. Bedlam.

It was like Limerick in the 90s.

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With the help of god they will. The cunts.

Think they stopped serving around 3.30am when I was there during the summer.

I have a hazy enough recollection of it all though.

What’s a nightclub defined as - is it just a more expensive licence.

It makes sense to have staggered closing and option to stay out later.

2.30 / 3 since covid. They don’t give a bollox anymore

McEntee again :clap:

Did it change owners?

The black door across the road used to be open til 4.30 or so. A truly awful place.

Jackson never sold up. I’d imagine post pandemic the staff have changed majorly, like everywhere. No reason to stay open them extra few hours when 2.30/ 3 am is now seen as an inconvenience to them anyway. Harcourt/ Camden St was dead at 3am over the Summer as nowhere to go, used to be only warming up then.

Black Door had its uses tbf

They lost the late licence

There was no licence which allowed them to stay open as late as they did

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Yeah always thought it was a wink wink nudge nudge due to his background.

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The real news here is the provision allowing any Johnny come lately access to a pub license as opposed to upstanding citizens as verefied by the court system. The devil will be in the detail but essentially the license value is being rendered next to worthless on the face of it. Sucks for those guys buying them to scale from bogger pubs during the lockdown

You sound like a taxi driver before deregulation.

Those boys got screwed

Well I know a few people in the industry and they told me they lost their licence.

House is open till 5 in the morning.

It’s illegal sure, that’s the whole reason they have to change the law

You are allowed open as late as the local Superintendent tolerates it. It’s not illegal until it’s enforced.

It’s unfair as some places are allowed open outside the letter of the law which gives them a competitive advantage.

The change in laws is over due.

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Frequented the Black Door a bit in 2019, was in there about 5/6 times. Helen McEntee was in there on 3 of those occasions which makes sense now.


I did a stint in Renards back in the day. 5am closing was standard upstairs. All the doormmen were guards moonlighting

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