Pubs opening

Are the off licences open at 10:30 a.m. on a Sunday or has that law been enacted yet?

Fairly sure it’s not till January 1st at the earliest.

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Not sure if the minister signed off on it before going on maternity leave. If she hasn’t…

A Paddy short at €9.55 jumped out there.

A pint of Heineken a tenner? :scream: You are talking Scandinavian prices there.

I got a mixed round for 6 people on Saturday night in Limerick and it was just over €25. You’d be breaking two fifties in this joint.

By the time they bring in the proper late licensing laws they’ve been telling us about nobody will be able to afford a pint, one way of sorting out their problem child I suppose

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Ouch!!! I don’t know how some lads do it. Gouging on a grand scale.
Boycott these shysters.

Could’ve left the glass of wine at the tenner

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Half pint of Guinness for price of a full one!

There’s a great buzz in there. A young lad who’s single could make hay


A great beer. Consistent quality from the can. Fond memories.


A stark contrast to Bavaria aimed at the same market which could vary wildly from can to can and (shudder) pint to pint.

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Very fancy with your Tuborg and Bavaria. Six Dutch Gold for a fiver was my staple before heading out.

Agreed. A fucking savage beer.

Guess the pub


I’m doing the holy trinity of dingle peninsula