Question for the techies

They are that even when they work TBF. Might be best for everyone in humanity if they were banned

Usually my cue for an incoming bit of high priority work to attend to.

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an absolute monster.

Here lads, I rang the local there this morning. The youngest turns 18 next week and we’re having a bit of a hoolie. There will be 60 odd there. Anyway he want €250 for food which is fair enough but he also wanted €200 for the ropm which I thought was cheeky. I did the same for the eldest for her 18th and 21st and was never charged for the room. Thoughts?

If ye are using the bar, which I assume ye are, tell him to feck off.

If he insists then another messier option would be to give him the €200 but tell him you’re bringing in your own food.

He’s making plenty on the food and the bar.


7.50 per person between food and room rental? If its a room that other people use or would use if you’s didn’t have it then he’s entitled to ask for compensation for reserving it in fairness.

Its the week after Christmas when noone will have a bob. He should be grateful for the business at that time of year. It’s not the norm to charge for a room

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I’d only agree with that if they weren’t using the bar.

it’s the busiest week of the year for the pubs

The exact date has not been specified.
Either way I wouldn’t pay for it…

Saturday the 6th. Pubs will be well empty

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The local ICA might want it. :birthday: :birthday: :birthday:

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They can have it. Ill ramble down tomorrow and have a natter. If not Ill bring it to Murphys in durrow


If it’s an 18th he probably doesn’t want it, trying to put you off with the charge. Age profile too much hassle. There’s been carnage locally here as a result of 18th’s. Parents who sherk their duty getting all ‘‘our angel wouldn’t if you didn’t’’ with publicans in the aftermath.

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MBB blocker

You’d wouldn’t be fit to keep up with me, let alone get a block in on me

Too true.

Well he can have 60 thirsty people who wouldnt normally be there plus 250 for the food or he can have nada.

Must be other spots you could have it?


Or anyone else…would you be interested/concerned if your IP address was listed as AS15502 Vodafone Ireland Limited details -

and it shows up as a bittorrent or whatever and there’s loads of other odd stuff??

I knows its been asked on here before but mesh systems, im looking to set one up, i have a ethernet port next to the modem and another in the area where i have poor wifi. Is it as simple as connecting the modem into the connection and pluging a booster into the other port or what do i need to do?