Quit Smoking

It’s heroic and it was proposed first on TFK

It’s your unborn child’s right to get hooked on cigarettes, think of all the joy that you’d be denying them,
And their civil liberties, what sort of country would deny its children the right to get hooked on fags

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Wow, you’re arsey about this.

What about alcohol and sugar?

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This staying safe stuff is off the charts at the moment. We’re a long way from getting two loose John player blue cigarettes from Ger’s foodstores on Parnell street after school.

He had a gas way of rolling the cigarettes into the paw with no one watching.

Different era to be fair.

Thats what it will be going back to

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This is it. Prohibition is madness.

Legalise everything, tax it and use the money to fund the hospitals etc

Young people will always drink, smoke and whatever else.

I never smoked for various reasons. Mainly my mates didn’t.

Anyway my mother is mid 80s. She stopped smoking about 35 years ago.

Last year or two she’s started to have the odd sneaky smoke in the bathroom in her house. Is Took a while to twig but eventually we did. We say nothing - why would we.

At her stage in life smoking won’t be what gets her.


And waccy baccy

yeah there’s a push for that to be made legal, but not for anyone born after 2008?

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Most kids aren’t bothered with cigarettes anymore cos of cost. It’s all about vaping which is probably twice as dangerous

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Surely a ban like this will just see cigarettes go the way of the pipe and e-cigarettes and vapes becoming the socially accepted norm for the next generation.

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Have they considered banning drugs in the same way?

There’s a massive black market already … there’s great money to be made and the punishment for smuggling tobacco isn’t half as harsh as drug smuggling …

I smoked on and off since I was 12 or 13. I hated them in the end but I was addicted to them. That first cigarette in the morning I had to have but I knew it would give me the head staggers but I needed it to kick start the days smoking. I gave them up 6 and a half years ago and I’ve never regretted it for a second nor wanted a smoke since.


I tried one of those vapers yokes and it burned the throat off me, I felt worse than I ever did with a fag

There’s hardly anybody smoking under the age of 40 surely ?

25-34 is the highest demographic of smokers

Depends on the type you have and what juice is in the thing, takes a bit of trial and error before finding what suits best.

Of course I’m aware of that

My point is that without easy (or legal) access to cigarettes, much much fewer young people will take up the habit,
People who are already smokers can work away, eventually they’ll quit and eventually they’ll die for some reason or other.
Do you still think there’ll be a big black market for cigarettes, cigarettes are pointless, there’s no buzz, kids don’t even consider them cool anymore, quite the opposite in general.

Smokers can smoke away, but who honestly wants their children having that option at all?


they tried a few different ones in the shop, i had a sore throat for all of them, just wasn’t for me so I went back smoking amber leaf :smiley: