Quit Smoking

a black market. prohibition has never reduced usage in anything. It simply has never worked

I presume the tobacco industry will have trade laws they can use to fight this as well. An absolute cluster fuck of an idea the more you scratch the surface.

But sure they will just get their older brother to buy fags in the shop for them. Or get a fake ID

Yes. After eliminating C-19 she has set her sights on eliminating tobacco.

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then alcohol, then fast food, then fun.

or the people without morals will sell them dodgy boxes of fags because it’s handy money. you know, the scum bag dealers, as I said, it just creates an opportunity for them to exploit.

OK so

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The NZ smoking ban is TFK’s greatest contribution to humanity.

I wouldn’t know but it has the whiff of an Eamon Ryan plan coming from it.

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We were once a great country

It’s been ten years or thereabouts since I last smoked a fag. I think I’ll buy a box tomorrow and smoke wan.
For old time’s sake. Before they’re banned.

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TFK has saved the country

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‘Each week in Ireland, 100 people die and 1,000 people are hospitalised because of tobacco use, according to the HSE.’

1,000 a week sounds very high.

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Did them come in with a smoking related illness or did they learn to smoke in hospital?


While it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest if tobacco was banned, its a slippery slope and soon you’ll find alcohol and gambling coming under the microscope too.

By 2040, you won’t be allowed do anything.

God bless the Asian bookmakers


Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink…

I gamble a little myself but I can control it obviously,
But it’s an awful scourge for an awful lot of people.
Drink is a tricky one, obviously it’s a huge problem here but it also brings some enjoyment and meaningful social interactions,
Fags are fuck all good to anybody


You are probably right on tobacco but the HSE are an unelected body coming up with ideas here and that’s not something that sits well with me.

Does the HSE even have the power to ban it? Kite flying by DOH by the looks of it